Robo Inc. "What you need, when you need it" Hello, here at Robo Inc. we pride ourselves in being able to serve you so many things and still keep everything in stock! From ores to donation features we have it!* Are warehouse is located in VictoryVille, this is the hub for all payments and, all orders ship from here. (Currently under construction) What is currently available: Ebooks currently available Power IVPower IIKnockback IIPower III (2)Smite IVProt. IVLooting ISilk Touch IFlame IFire Aspect IIFire Protection IIIProjectile Projection ISilk TouchSharpness IIIPunch IIInfinityBlast Prot. IFortune IFortune IIIProt. IIIEff. IVSmite III As the warehouse grows, I will add more here!
How to order from Robo Inc. First Submit this application on the thread. Code: IGN: Items Requested: Amount of item: Amount willing to pay: [s]Do you agree to our ToS?[/s] Then, after your order has been accepted by a staff member, make your way to our Trade Center located in VictoryVille (towns6 first row) Once you come out follow the signs to the Robo Inc. HQ. In your order, you will have been assigned a stall. Go in the stall and buy what you ordered from the trade sign! And thats it