I have taken the below from a previous news post, and updated it a little to give everyone an idea as to where we are and how plans may or may not have shifted with EcoCityCraft:
Minecraft versions:
1. Wait for Mojang to update to 1.13.1 (DONE)
2. Wait for Spigot to update to 1.13.1 (DONE)
3. Examine 1.13.1 and determine if a wait for 1.13.2 is required. (DONE)
4. If 1.13.1 is good to go, update our plugins to 1.13.1 (DONE).
5. If 1.13.1 is good to go, wait for external plugins to update to 1.13.1 (DONE).
6. Examine updated 1.13.1 plugins. (DONE).
7. Test 1.13.1 plugins (DONE).
8. Launch 1.13.1 across our servers (DONE).
EcoCityCraft projects:
1. Launch all server's 1.13.x client joining compatibility. (DONE)
2. Reset SkyBlock / Launch SkyBlock seasons with 3X Prestige possibility. (DONE).
3. Slowly begin the conversion from Main to Archive. (DONE).
4. Launch finalized Archive server on 1.12.2 with compatibility for 1.13+ clients. (DONE).
5. Launch SkyBlock server on 1.12.2 with compatibility for 1.13+ clients. (DONE)
6. Launch Lobby server on 1.13.1. (DONE).
7. Launch VMR server on 1.13.1. (DONE).
8. Launch City server on 1.13. (DONE).
9. Implement a PVP game mode via City server on 1.13.1 (DONE).
10. Play Minecraft.
Discussion in 'News, Announcements & Server Information' started by andrewkm, Sep 11, 2018.