Hey can somebody make a tutorial on a display like the balance display that shows the last person who payed you. Also another label that shows the last Pm you recived? If you know how to do either Please make a tutorial. Thanks!
I have a transaction logger that logs all transactions made with other users to a word documentso you can review them at anytime, would this be of use? Please tag me when you reply otherwise I may not see your reply. seawiiplay
That would be useful but could you make a macro that displays the last pm you recived or even just the person who messaged you ingame so you can check really quickly. Thanks! jakeyray18
I guess I could write it into the same macro and just give you that one, you would have to create a label in one of the GUIs to display it though? Would that be alright with you? seawiiplay -Jakey
Well I threw this together for you, you need to create a label with the control name "recenttrans", obviously without the ""'s and put this script in the onChat event: Code: $${ STRIP(&chat,%CHAT%) IFMATCHES(%&chat%,^(\s?\$[0-9]*[\.0-9]*?)\s(.*?)(received from|sent to)\s?([^ ]*$)) MATCH(%&chat%,^(\s?\$[0-9]*[\.0-9]*?)\s(.*?)(received from|sent to)\s?([^ ]*$),{@&amount,@&filler,@&sentreceived,@&username}) IFMATCHES(%@&sentreceived%,received from) SETLABEL(recenttrans,&e%TIME%: &c%@&amount% &3Received from &6%@&username%) LOGTO("transactions-%SERVER%.txt",%TIME%: %@&amount% %@&sentreceived% %@&username%) ELSE IFMATCHES(%@&sentreceived%,sent to) SETLABEL(recenttrans,&e%TIME%: &c%@&amount% &3Sent to &6%@&username%) LOGTO("transactions-%SERVER%.txt",%TIME%: %@&amount% %@&sentreceived% %@&username%) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF }$$ This will log all transaction to a file which can be found in your minecraft folder at: ".minecraft\mods\macros\logs" it will be called "transactions-mc.ecocitycraft.com.txt". It will log all to and from transactions to both the label and the text file, I also added some colors to the label to make it look a little better. just change them if you don't like it. It will also display the time in the label and the text document of the time that the transaction occurred. Hope this is kinda what you were after, it does not matter which GUI you put the label on, as long as you know how to see the label. If this isn't what you were looking for just shot me a forum Pm and I will try to help out the best i can. seawiiplay - Jakey
jakeyray18 could you PM me the transaction logger please? The regular one that logs it into a word document.
Jakey this is exactly what I was looking for! Your the best person ever! Thanks alot! this will help me tons!
The other one is identical to this it just lacks the: SETLABEL(recenttrans,&e%TIME%: &c%@&amount% &3Received from &6%@&username%) If you just take that out it will only log to the file, to be honest you don't even need to take it out, just don't create that label, it will still log to the file just not the label because there isn't a label.