So I'm usually busy on weekends, so I figure I would rent out my Star Pick from Friday(5 pm PST), until Sunday(5 pm PST), for a total of 48 hours, this will require a formal agreement to protect myself from such a hefty loss. You must be at least a Mayor, or a Resident with [$$$] I will post the application below, I would like to settle the weekend rental by Thursday afternoon I will be charging 30k for the weekend, however I will take items and resources in return. I will also accept 40k after the rental is done if you don't have the funds beforehand(must put 5k down, 35k after rental). Late fees will be 10k per day up to 3 days. If pick is more than a day late you will not be permitted to rent from my services(unless there is unforeseen circumstances). Application: IGN: 1. Have you ever been banned(please note I will check on this): If so, why: 2. Are you willing to pay the 30k(40k if afterwards)?: Will it be in full ECD, or other items?: 3. Are you willing to agree to an in game contract via /msg?: 4. Features you have: 5. Do you agree to the late fee of 5k/day up to 3 days?: 6. Do you understand you will owe the full 1.2mil paid for this pick in the event it is broken, or lost in any form deemed irretrievable by Admins?: 7. Additional information you may like to add: Transfer of the pick will happen at /warp SoulSociety and/or /warp RubyRepublic (On another note, if you'd like to buy weekend perms to the pick get ahold of me, I'd be willing to sell partial ownership, with a forum contract and the right price, on my terms)