[redeem town credit app] Atlantis

Discussion in 'Historically Archived Applications (Mayors+)' started by achummer, Nov 30, 2011.

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  1. achummer

    achummer Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    May 3, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: achummer
    Are you a Mayor or higher ranked user: yes i am
    What is the town this application is dealing with?: Atlantis
    Are you selecting Option 1 or Option 2: option 2
    If option 2 proceed with the following questions: ok!!!

    What is the co-ordinates of your copy corner (Found on the old map) [x] [y] [z]: x: 339 y: 64 z: -810
    What is the co-ordinates of your paste corner (Found on the new map) [x] [y] [z]: x: 2949 y: 65 z: 97
    Would you like to copy/paste from bedrock or from a specific Y level? (If so what level): copy: from layer 16 up. paste: layer 64
    Any additional information you need/want to provide: if im correct i have made a entrance to the pathway from east portal, which im pretty sure allines with the path

    The owner handles applications once every 1-7 days. (Meaning once a week) Asking constantly about your application does not speed up the process. We very well can see there are outstanding applications and handle them every few days. As well after payment has been taken your changes are not instant, please wait patiently as they are applied. Do you understand this?:
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