like what @a_man21 is doing, I’m making a question thread. Hopefully this will be useful in exposing some stuff! Ask away!
Aww thank you! I like to believe that I’m just practicing common cortesty. I also get attactched to things really quickly, and we always need nicer people in the world! Ps Your nice too!!! You all are!!
Hey guys, I am looking to spend some real $ to be able to do the /reply function, and am alittle overwhelmed by the shop options on this site, can you guys tell me the most practical add ons to buy? things that minecraft generally allows you to do, like /tp /warp /reply. I don't need fancy stuff, like fly or crafting hotkeys and stuff, just the basics, so im not limited any info would be great. I suppose the ability to lock down chests with magic would be great too, Im kinda a newbie, so the more info the better, thanks <3
Reply is already a feature! It’s /pm I think, maybe it’s changed? Tp and multihome are the best for starters, but you can also get fun things!!