Hey everyone, I just want to get some opinions on something. I was thinking about starting a Marketplace when City comes out, and wanted to know what everyone here thinks about it? Kind of like all of the malls in the past that came out, except not as clustered. Everything would be made to line up with chunks and reduce lag as much as possible. There wouldn't be any fees, just so long as you stayed active and kept your store stocked with something your shop could stay. The only reason I suggest it is that the server market just seems so dead all the time, and I know that this wouldn't necessarily be a 'fix' or anything, but it seems that private shops with their own warps have been more or more useful than the server market. There would be a theme to it, and I would try to make it look nice when walking around. If anyone would like to get involved and help run it or have a shop when City comes out, let me know, or how something like this could be better! Or even if you think it wouldn't be worth the time to do. Just trying to get a gauge is all right now. The only downside is that there wouldn't be direct warps to your exact station, but in a 200x200 town you wouldn't need to walk too far to get to any station anyways.
Ima say right now, that there are gonna be a million "market places" coming out down the road. So the earlier you release one, the better the chances of it sticking and prospering. With your rent free idea, you're probably gonna get an active marketplace so I'd say go for it. Could even put a big farm under it
I am to lazy to type it all out rn but someone should make a suggestion We dont need a main market anymore should be removed on city town markets really work out better. Edit jw made a suggestion