Howdy, I was building the back end of my town and I had some wild idea shoot into my head because I was interested to know how many blocks are in my town and the towns value blocks wise. Anyway, lets get straight to the point Minecraft Name: Zeurals Suggestion: A property valuation feature or ability that allows players who have this power to give town owners a average property value. The person finding the value can type a command that can check the blocks in a town region and have a returned value of the town, blocks wise. This does not make this final price your towns value. The location, populatiry and design can also effect your value but this can help contribute to this. The only issue is that the blocks underground will be valued, but still I think that its part of the property and should be included and valued. Not sure if it would cause lag or not, a developer could answer these better than what I can. I'm sure y'all could find problems, but thats all I can see so far. Lets see if this wild idea is possible and if you like it or rather not. Reason: I felt this would help people who are selling towns, selling housing in the town and just as an interesting idea on how much you spend on blocks in your town. I think this would be good also since its a economy server. Other Information: Possible commands: /propertyvalue [Calculates the amount of blocks and adds their prices together to produce a final average property value], /propertyblocks [Returns the blocks and the amount of them within the region]. Link to this plugin: None, just an idea. Maybe the developers can work with worldguard (Whatever works) and produce this plugin if its within their knowledge. Just my suggestion. All further feedback on this idea is welcome, bad or not. Let me know if you like it or disagree. Thanks!
oh god the lag. a town is 200x200 let's assume the average depth of your town is 60 blocks. (couple of layers lower to make up for caves) that's 2,400,000 blocks. Let's not.
Hm...couldn't it be possible to make a client-mod for that? The client uses the data sent from the server so it should have it all available. Then the value is calculated client-side only, thus no server lag. (Only client lag while calculating) Or am I wrong?
You don't. That's simply just a flaw with it. You can't force people not to exploit something, they do it anyway. That would make it a client side mod, rather then a plugin. Again, this may be a flaw although a developer who knows the facts could help out on this lag possibility? No expert here but we aren't placing or removing blocks, only calculating. Again, a possibility is that the calculation is so complex it might cause lag? Not sure.
Not trying to get down on you, I think it's a great idea. I was just curious about the mechanics. What if instead of evaluating the whole 200x200 the feature sampled random chunks inside the 200x200 and calculated an average?
Well, we'd analyse any block placed in there. As kuke said, about 2 million blocks. And what would the problem about a mod be? We already have an ECC minimap mod, so why not another mod for ECC? About the lag, if it was a mod you could just stand there for the time it calculates. (About 1-2 mins at max I'd guess judged by WorldEdit tests where I changed so many blocks). If it was a plugin, then everybody would lag during that timeframe. If anybody knows more about plugins/mods/java than me, please correct any mistakes I might have made!
That may work, well for farms mainly. I think to avg from random chunks, the town would need to be repetitive. One chunk could be a players diamond house while the other wood if you get where I'm going. I didn't know ECC did mods. I guess that could work then.