Item: Poisonous Potatoes Data Value: 394 (18A if you need the "Hex") Current Price: $0.35 Suggested Price: $0.37/$40 Brief Description: Gotten by breaking a potato plant. Has a smaller chance of spawning when a potato plant is hit. Open Discussion: Despite it being useless, I think poisonous potatoes should could a slight price increase. Rarity should increase the value by at least 5 cents. They have a 2% chance of spawning each time you knock down a plant. To get this information, I read an article and it said that poisonous potatoes have a chance of poisoning the player but also recovers more hunger. I think poisonous potatoes deserve a small increase in price.
This makes sense for those farmers using their fists to farm, as it might help knock the average cash up closer to Wheat over an hour's time. For those using a Fortune III tool to farm, potatoes already outpace Wheat by a slim margin (~$500/hr). This would only serve to set them as definitively better than carrots when using a fort3. I agree with a 5 cent increase for poisonous potatoes because the net impact is negligible to the economy and great for farming diversity.
I kind of forgot about this thread (had read it before). I think this should be added, perhaps you should mention it on the farming discussion thread.