Piston Permits & Plugin(s)

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by sbrain446, Nov 20, 2011.

  1. sbrain446

    sbrain446 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Sep 20, 2011
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    The reason why I'm bringing up pistons? Because I would like to use them in my own curiorsity for redstone mechanics. No, I wound't you pistons for a dupe glitch or griefing. Why? Because it would be completely and utterly pointless. Why would I want to spend my precious time griefing on a server when I could be coming up with brilliant ideas for the benefit of everyone on the server. Current ideas that I am currently working on: an automated minecart system, a banking system, and a music studio, etc.. And if anyone is worried about griefing/theft/dupes and especially automatic farming, I am also suggesting plugins that restrict pistons of being able to harvest/destroy crops. The region protection system also prevents most griefing, and its already impossible to break chests. And if not why not install other plugins preventing chest breaking? However, I am bringing up the permits for the benefit of other redstone enthusists as myself. However, getting the permit isn't as simple as buying it with eco or real currency, no indeed, in order to get the permit you should have to show why you are worthy of using the piston. For example, you would build an automated minecart station capable of handling multiple minecarts in front of someone capable of giving these permits. If convinced, then they would allow you to use these pistons. However, if not convinced you must improve your thirst for redstone and try, try again. If caught using pistons in the act of duplication of sand or gravel (the only current duping glitch :3) punishment would result in stripping of the permit permanently and perhaps a temporary or permanant ban. Or you can search for a plugin that fixes this issue. Therefore if all the problems with pistons were solved and permits were in order, there would be no reason for someone to use it. EXCEPTION! I would love to use pistons for my redstone creations and thats it why i am bringing this up. Thank you for your time.
  2. Zeno78

    Zeno78 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Jun 11, 2011
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    i know there are plugins out there for pistons they are all just too buggy at the moment. One can hope that in the near future we will have pistons. I believe that even kuk has worked on his own plugin to prevent piston issues. Andrew plays with them form time to time.