Porkchopsandwhic Overnight Repair service Staff: Porkchopsandwhic Location: FalkensMaze, lvl 6 warp room, red ring, 1st on the left side facing South Services Offered: repair/e-repair drop box service Repair/e-repair drop box service: We offer 1 of 13 locked chest in the Town of FalkensMaze for you to place items to be repaired twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night. This chest will be locked with only me and your having access. Payment: Payment will be $1500 every Wednesday. We also work on the barter system. Payment due on in the chest on Wednesday before anything else will be repaired. N-stars x 5 Emeralds x 33 Emerald ore x 17 Diamonds x 50 Diamond ore x 17 Lapis Lazuli x 334 Lapis Lazuli ore x 50 Redstone dust x 600 Redstone ore x 100 Gold/gold ore x 150 Iron/iron ore x 188 What to expect: Just drop your tools/armor in your chest before you log for the night. They will be repaired by the next day when you get on to play. Who is this service for: Someone who has multi tools and armor that he/she will use and save up to get for 1 big e-repair visit. When will I repair: Once when I get up in the morning and once before I go to bed. Due to real life this will be different times through out the week. I live in Iowa, which is CST/CDT time zone, -6 GMT/ -5GMT , we are on daylight saving time currently. What this service is NOT: This is not an on demand service. Do not expect me to come to you for a repair or expect me to do a quick repair after you filled the chest. If you need an immediate repair, the trade channel should be used for this. How to have the service cancelled on your chest: 1)Non-payment for 2 weeks will cause you to lose your chest and service cancelled. no refund. 2)Banned from server for 7 days or more will cause you to lose your chest and service cancelled refund. message me @Porkchopsanwhic in the forums or in game if you are interested in this service