Hello! I will be starting a loan business with a haggle able price and due date! Fill out this forum: Ign: Will you sign a contract? (25k+): How much do you want? When do you want to pay back? How/why should I trust you?; What are you doing with my money? Do you like otters?
Ign: kconahan Will you sign a contract? (25k+): yes How much do you want? 60k When do you want to pay back? In one week How/why should I trust you?; I have donated $550 to the server. I will sign a contract. I have donated a lot of money to other users with out a problem. I have never been banned. I have never had a complaint filed against me. And u can ask Swiggle I took out a 60k loan from him and payed him back 75k with in the hour. What are you doing with my money? I need money to help me have motivation to earn more money Do you like otters? Luv em
I'm here to confirm that kconahan did pay me back in an hour, regardless of the promised time of a week.
Ign: GTREX55 Will you sign a contract? (25k+):Yes, no problem How much do you want? 80k When do you want to pay back? By July 31st, and i will pay back 85k How/why should I trust you?; i have never been banned before and only been kicked once (before i knew what spam was) What are you doing with my money? I am planning to get mayor and also to help me get in the habit of not spending money Do you like otters? i love them, specially because they are small and cute!
IGN:Noah1237 Will you sign a contract? (25k+):yes How much do you want?60k When do you want to pay back?2 weaks How/why should I trust you?;Because i rly dont wana be banned for not paying back a loan What are you doing with my money?Buying nether Do you like otters?I adore them =)