PICKLE'S GAP Rural living at it's best! Kalanbel - Mayor, Draklen - Co-Mayor View attachment 669 Looking for a quiet town in the country? This new town features various sized lots in a natural setting. Each lot has it's own small growing area already complete with water & tilled ready for planting. The town center hosts a town enchanting room & will eventually have an active town portal and a place for town member shops. But there are lots available NOW for building your dream country home. Prices vary depending on lot size but range from $1000 to $5000. Rules 1. No griefing. This includes altering or destroying public spaces, roads, plant life, terrain or anything else you did not have permission to change as well as other peoples plots. 2. No removing fences. The fence line is not considered part of your plot. 3. Do not build or destroy outside the fence outline of your assigned plot. 4. No digging or basements below level 54. 5. No stealing. This includes all plant life not on your assigned plot in addition to the usual things like taking from chests that don't belong to you. We encourage all town members to use LWC in locking their doors and chests on their plots. 6. No entering others plots without their permission. 7. No resource gathering in town. Please go to the mining world or to others shops at spawn to gather resources. You may keep and use any resources you gather while building your home on your own assigned plot. 8. Inactivity for 1 month MAY result in eviction. Post reasons for extended inactivity here and your status in town will be considered on a case by case basis. 9. Failure to comply with Rules will result in eviction without refunds. 10. Please don't build your house entirely out of dirt, cobblestone, podzol or mycelium. Yes, it's a rural community but it should at least look nice. Above all, all server rules apply in Pickle's Gap including all basic rules about language, trolling and general standards of behavior. Application Copy and paste these questions and your answers to them, and post them as a reply to the end of this thread: IGN: What is the address of the plot you want to buy?: Do you understand and accept the rules?: Do you have a ban history? (this does not make you an automatic no): Do you understand that I can deny this application at any time?: Do you understand that your failure to abide by the rules can result in your removal from Pickle's Gap?:
$1000 Lots Available. Each has it's own 9x9 ready to farm area. View attachment 670 The above Lot is No.1 Oak Street. The Lot below is No. 1 Salem Road. View attachment 671
Pre-Built for SALE! Only $1500. No.1 Donaghey Avenue Has working fireplace and unfinished basement. Includes a 9x9 farm area out back! View attachment 673
Has your town recently been repossessed? Looking for a new home? Check out Pickle's Gap. Brand new lots of various sizes. Prices for each is marked. Come take a look and consider Pickle's Gap as your new home on ECC! PM Kalanbel or Draklen in game for a tp to come take a look!
GN: What is the address of the plot you want to buy?: 2 Ward Drive Do you understand and accept the rules?: yes Do you have a ban history? (this does not make you an automatic no): no Do you understand that I can deny this application at any time?: yes Do you understand that your failure to abide by the rules can result in your removal from Pickle's Gap?: yes
Hey Zuluzu, Thanks for your app! As soon as I get online we'll get you set up. I'm currently on vacation irl for the holiday's but I'll try to get on here this week.
Hey Kalanbel, I was scouting around and noticed another Plot I'm interested in. It's #1 German Street. I think Ward is too close to the town edge for me. Once you get back on line I'd like to buy for my brother and I, thanks! ZuluZu
What is the address of the plot you want to buy?: 1 Ward drive Do you understand and accept the rules?: Yes Do you have a ban history? (this does not make you an automatic no): No Do you understand that I can deny this application at any time?:Yes Do you understand that your failure to abide by the rules can result in your removal from Pickle's Gap?: Yes
@Zuluzu If you want No.1 German Lane, that'll be $5000. Everything looks good in your app so as soon as we're both online and I get the payment, I'll add you and WELCOME!!! Who is your brother and will he be on the same property? I need him to also fill out the app with his info.. he can note that he's sharing No.1 German Ln with you on the app. I'll add him as well as soon as I get his completed app after I finish yours. THANKS!
@HotDeath Hi HotDeath, Just got back from vacation irl. Your app looks good so I just need $5000 from you next time we're both online and I'll add you to the town. WELCOME!
IGN: MooshroomofDOOM What is the address of the plot you want to buy?: No.1 Skyline Drive Do you understand and accept the rules?: yes Do you have a ban history? (this does not make you an automatic no): no Do you understand that I can deny this application at any time?: yes Do you understand that your failure to abide by the rules can result in your removal from Pickle's Gap?: yes
I have a question for you. Why is your IGN different from your Forum name? I will need clarification before adding you to the town. THANKS!
It is easier for me to remember because I use this or a very simillar name, like Igg_Badger or something to that extent, on many of my other accounts on different cites.
Ah... so I'll be approving and/or adding you as MooshroomofDOOM once I get payment for the Lot. Your App looks good so next time we're both in game, PM me for payment and I'll add you to Pickle's Gap. WELCOME to your new lot at No.1 Skyline Drive!