Hello! Want to keep the privacy for your nickname? You are in the right place! If you want to copyright ℗ your nickname type "Nickname Register or Nick Register" in /ch l (Channel Local), take a screenshot, upload and paste in here! Thanks for saving the rights of your nickname! Hope u like it! Cya around! MODERATORS & STAFF: Please tell meh if there's a problem here, i'll remove it without problems. Thanks.
lel, here's the proof that it was your so u can tell a staff member to check this thread and get the rights for your nickname
So you expect the mods to make it so no one can use a nickname just cause you want it? Lmao ok then not like a waste of time for them or anything.
Da***? Ha gave you the power to make the rules? You making this thread thinking 'Oh, imma make some new rules!! That I like!! Cuz Im a fkin King! idgaf about anything that could go wrong doing this ' This thread just gives me an incentive to steal your nickname.
Here's my input on this. First of all, no rule exists that allows people to "trademark" their nickname. Although, this thread can be used as a guide as to who started using that nick, for the sole purpose of reference. This is in no way a legal binding.