-=- New United Nations Thread -=-

Discussion in 'Historically Archived Towns/Nations & Evictions.' started by Redpandapenguin, Jan 29, 2018.

  1. Redpandapenguin

    Redpandapenguin Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Sep 6, 2017
    Trophy Points:
    President of The United Nations: Jackson_G14

    Vice President of The United Nations: AdmiralD

    General Manager of The United Nations:
    (Please only contact me with comments about the UN or in the thread below)


    Before diving deep into the logistics I would like to honor the past of the United Nations. The first was created by @igorvanloo, which then several months later was transformed into most of what we see today by @Jackson_G14 (I admit I copy and pasted 80% from him). The United Nations has served as a great community in the past and I would like to revive it. This new thread is a revival of Jackson’s United Nations almost everything about the organization is still here but it is not in full working order. All records are wiped clean so not all the E-repairs and other organizations are functional but with your support they will be soon! All Applications are open from ambassadors to organization leaders.

    What is the United Nations?

    The United Nations is a group of towns that come together to create universal laws in which all towns who take part must abide by. We are different from your average group or clan as to anyone can join and we do not reject anyone's application. The United Nations are here to unite everyone on ECC by coming together, unlike most clans who discriminate on others and only who accept who they wish, where as here everyone has the potential to come together to strengthen the community for the better.

    What Are The Benefits of Joining The United Nations?

    There are many benefits to joining The United Nations other than just interacting with the wonderful community we have on this server. We also provide many useful programs for all Ambassadors and Towns involved. Below are all the United Nations Sub-Categories that are provided to everyone here.

    You can join any of these Sub-Categories upon joining the United Nations. You may also join or leave later whenever you choose, just simply send me an inbox and I'll take you off the list.

    If you want one of these services, please contact the Director of that specific group and they will gladly get their team together and do their best to help your town out with whatever you need. DO NOT think that just because the people listed on here are forced to help you with whatever it is their group pertains to. This is purely voluntary, so they are not forced to do anything.


    -----Free Services/Perks Upon Joining-----

    Free Ereps:
    Free Reps:
    - @toddtedd

    Free Smelts:
    - @toddtedd
    Free Investigations:

    Free ExtCreations:
    - @toddtedd
    Free Water Placements:
    - @toddtedd
    Free Lava/Fire Placements:
    - @Redpandapenguin

    Free TPs:
    - @toddtedd
    Free Anvil Services:


    -----Current List of All Organizations Involved with The United Nations-----

    -----Town Development Organization-----

    Director: Toddtedd

    The Town Development Organization is meant to help those towns that wish to get on their feet as fast as they can. We will help you with whatever it is you need: Getting a road system set up, making a portal room, making a town farm, getting plots set up, and everything else to get your town up and running!

    Town Development Team Members:


    -----Grief Recovery Organization-----

    Director: [Vacant]

    The Grief Recovery Organization is a group of people who never want to see grief happen, but sadly these types of things are inevitable on this server, so we got a group of people together to help towns that get griefed. If your town gets griefed and you are in The United Nations, you can ask the Director or some of the members and we can help your town get back up on its feet again. This is expected for towns that are majorly griefed, most specifically farms. Please keep the assistance of the Grief Recovery Organization for the rather large scale griefs.

    Grief Recovery Team Members:


    -----Builder Help Organization-----

    Director: [Vacant]

    The Builder Help Organization will be devoted to helping all builders in need. It is our duty here on EcoCityCraft to give every player the chance they deserve, and by doing so, we will help every builder we can by giving them the individual help they need to build a stable foundation to make their way to the top. We will have specific towns set up in the United Nations where people in the Builder Help Organization will designate new players to for their new home. We will also give them some pointers on ways to make money and other useful tips for success.

    Builder Help Team Members:

    -----United Nations Funding Organization-----

    Director: Redpandapenguin

    All of these Sub-Categories need money to run, its obvious that we cannot simply research everything in Research and Development without money, or repair towns with the Grief Recovery simply with no money for materials, and that is why we have the United Nations Funding Organization. We will organize fun events for the entire server to enter as fundraisers to make money for all of our programs. Anyone can also donate in the name of the United Nations to the Director of this Sub-Category, or myself. All Donators will be listed below.

    United Nation Funding Team Members:


    Who Can Join the United Nations?

    Anyone has the potential to join, regardless if you just bought a flat, inactive town as a resident, or if you're our very own server owner, anyone can join. If you are interested, scroll down to the "How to Join and Become an Ambassador" Section.

    What Do We Do?

    In the United Nations, everyone who chooses to take part will come together and create laws for everyone who is involved to follow. Hopefully we can create a better community through unity by working together and having all towns throughout ECC unite, without leaving anyone out. We will create laws (mentioned below) and everyone will vote at the end of each month who takes part, thus creating a better community within as many towns as we can through them. We are going to be there for one another, pick each other up when we fall, and act as a community like we should.

    Why Should I Join?

    By choosing to join United Nations, you are choosing to take part in a better community, whether you decide to join and do nothing, or decide to join and try to create your legacy by creating as many laws as you can to shape the way we interact, you will still have the potential to meet new people throughout this server. It doesn't hurt anyone to join, it just gives you potential to have an unforgettable experience with everyone here.

    Current United Nations Laws:

    - Follow All Server Rules
    - No Scams Or Attempted Scams
    - No Trolling
    - Treat Everyone With Respect and Dignity
    - Help When and Where We Can Help

    What Type of Laws Can Be Created?

    To get to the bottom point, any law can be created because in the end we will all end up voting on whether we want to install it or not. The type of laws you guys want to create could be anywhere from giving builders free plots to everyone helping out towns who get griefed. The only laws that cannot be done at this time is electing a new president, ect. and moving the embassy to another location. Other than those, anything at this time is fair game.

    How to Create a Law:

    Anyone has the potential to propose a law in which all Nations must abide to, whether you be an Ambassador from 1 town or an Ambassador representing 50 towns, anyone can change the way all towns in The United Nations treat each other and how we interact with each other. To create a law, simply just bring it up in your United Nations inbox and all the Ambassadors in the inbox can have a conversation about it. At the end of each month we will hold a vote on all the laws and decisions that we think should be voted on. If 2/3 of the people think a law should be added rather than declined, it will be added. Players get votes as they bring in more town into The United Nations. You receive a second vote once you bring in 5 towns, and finally a third once you bring in 15. That means the more towns you have, the more power you hold, but not enough to monopolize the system.

    How to Join and Become an Ambassador:

    Basically, an ambassador means that you applied for the United Nations and represent a town here in the United Nations. You MUST be recognized as the owner of the town (You do not have to be the original owner). To become an Ambassador, you may apply below with the following format:

    What Happens When I Become an Ambassador?

    Once you get accepted into the United Nations, you will be added to one of our in-boxes in order for us to inform everyone with ongoing changes and as our voting system on laws. Also upon joining, you will get to choose your very own office in our Embassy where all Ambassadors can have an office to show their representation to everyone. You will be personally in-boxed by me and we can discuss how you wish to decorate your office.

    United Nations Embassy:

    The United Nations Embassy is located in the town of Archipelago. You may do "/warp archipelago" to get there or ask for a teleport from myself or anyone who wished to assist you. As the Embassy is made with very fine materials, the permissions to the towns are very limited. So to prevent grief from the Embassy itself and to other's offices, So once you join, you will have limited time to decorate your office accordingly. Here are some screenshots of the Embassy. It features 340 private offices, a main lobby on the first floor, a public park at floor 27, and other amazing features throughout it. PLEASE report grief to myself so I can properly file a grief report, and if a user does grief, they will be banned through the grief report system and listed on the user blacklist for the United Nations.

    Screenshots of the Embassy:


    Top Floors:


    Upper Middle Floors:


    Middle Floors:


    Bottom Floors:


    Donating To The United Nations:

    This entire organization is for non-profit, which is why donating is entirely optional. Donating to The United Nations will help us further everything we do. You don't think these massive headquarters and programs simply run themselves, do you? All money that is donated is kept strictly tracked and entirely public for everyone to see, and we split up the money donated into different sections on how it should be spent. e.g. 25% is spent on new projects and renovations, 15% is given to the Grief Recovery Organization, ect. Below are the ranks you can achieve if you donate. Donating does not give you any further power in the United Nations, so it will not give you more votes or allow you to do anything more than anyone else, it just simply gives you a new title as an appreciation to donating to us. Here are the ranks:

    - High Ambassador: $5,000+
    - National Representative: $15,000+
    - Executive National Representative: $25,000+
    - Global Representative: $100,000+
    - United Nations Chairman: $250,000+
    - United Nations Executive High Council: $500,000+

    Total Amount In Reserves: $0

    Donator List:

    Current List of Towns Represented:
    Total Towns: 7

    Total United Nations, Alphabetized:

    Residential Towns:

    Orient (@Redpandapenguin)

    Agricultural Towns:

    Commercial Towns:

    Entertainment/Gambling Towns:

    Decorative Towns:


    Current List of Ambassadors:
    Total Ambassadors: 4

    Total Ambassadors, Alphabetized:
    () Is number of towns and [] is number of nations.
    GreasyDlan (2) [1]
    Redpandapenguin (3) [2]
    CamoElite19 (1) [1]
    Toddtedd (1) [1]
    Have any other ideas on what we should do? Post a comment below!
    #1 Redpandapenguin, Jan 29, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2018
  2. Redpandapenguin

    Redpandapenguin Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Sep 6, 2017
    Trophy Points:
    I am sorry for the long thread but the basics are I am recreating Jackson_G14’s United Nations https://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/official-united-nations-thread.119544/page-6#post-714029. The United Nations is a community of towns that work together to help restore griefed areas, start new towns, etc... There is no fee to signup and a free office in the Embassy the application is like so...
    -What is your IGN?:
    -What towns would you like to bring into the United Nations?:
    -Are you recognized as the owner of these towns?:
    -Please categorize each of your towns into the following categories; Agricultural, Residential, Commercial, Decorative, or Entertainment:
    -Why do you want to join the United Nations?:
    -Which Sub-Categories would you like to join, if any?:
    -Do you agree to follow the laws listed? and agree to all future law changes (You may also leave the United Nations if a law is created and you refuse to follow.)?:
  3. Firekiller77

    Firekiller77 Mayor
    Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Nov 9, 2017
    Trophy Points:
    Application Format:
    -What is your IGN?: Greasydlan
    -What towns would you like to bring into the United Nations?: Greasyville
    -Are you recognized as the owner of these towns?: Yes I am
    -Please categorize each of your towns into the following categories; Agricultural, Residential, Commercial, Decorative, or Entertainment: Greasyville
    -Why do you want to join the United Nations?: I like the idea of joining agreed organization and being part of something
    -Which Sub-Categories would you like to join, if any?: I would not like to join any
    -Do you agree to follow the laws listed? and agree to all future law changes (You may also leave the United Nations if a law is created and you refuse to follow.)?: Yes I agree
  4. Redpandapenguin

    Redpandapenguin Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Sep 6, 2017
    Trophy Points:
    Accepted. Welcome to the UN!
  5. PyroTechnix_

    PyroTechnix_ Professional Coffee Drinker
    EcoLegend ⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Prestige ⭐ IV ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 1, 2017
    Trophy Points:
    -What is your IGN?: CamoElite19
    -What towns would you like to bring into the United Nations?: RavenFort
    -Are you recognized as the owner of these towns?: I am
    -Please categorize each of your towns into the following categories; Agricultural, Residential, Commercial, Decorative, or Entertainment: Decorative
    -Why do you want to join the United Nations?: I would like to be able to help towns become bigger and stronger. I also like having more chances to help people and I will when I can.
    -Which Sub-Categories would you like to join, if any?: If this is asking what I would like to help most in, I would like to be the Grief Recovery Organisation please.
    -Do you agree to follow the laws listed? and agree to all future law changes (You may also leave the United Nations if a law is created and you refuse to follow.)?: I accept the rules.

  6. Redpandapenguin

    Redpandapenguin Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Sep 6, 2017
    Trophy Points:
    Accepted, welcome to the UN I will mail your office location and add you to Archipelago
  7. Redpandapenguin

    Redpandapenguin Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Sep 6, 2017
    Trophy Points:
    Bump 6 towns have joined the UN! Sign up today for a free office here:

  8. CptOrion

    CptOrion Mayor
    Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Jan 7, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    -What is your IGN?: toddtedd
    -What towns would you like to bring into the United Nations?: mount_olympus (warp to come soon hopefully)
    -Are you recognized as the owner of these towns?: yes
    -Please categorize each of your towns into the following categories; Agricultural, Residential, Commercial, Decorative, or Entertainment:
    Commercial/Residential (Business Park)
    -Why do you want to join the United Nations?:
    I love the idea of trying to join the community together. I want to be able to work with the community and help people grow within ECC and enjoy it even more.
    -Which Sub-Categories would you like to join, if any?:
    Town Development Organisation
    -Do you agree to follow the laws listed? and agree to all future law changes (You may also leave the United Nations if a law is created and you refuse to follow.)?: Yes, I agree.
  9. Redpandapenguin

    Redpandapenguin Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Sep 6, 2017
    Trophy Points:
    Accepted, welcome to the UN I will mail you your office location in archipelago.
  10. CptOrion

    CptOrion Mayor
    Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Jan 7, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    [Director Application]
    Ign: toddtedd
    Town name: Mount_olympus
    Current organisation: Town Development
    Why do you think you should become a director?:
    Although I've only recently joined the UN. I really look forward to being able to bring my creativity in helping to build people's towns and create some great structures. Previously on other servers I've had past experience on working on projects where I built Hogwarts, and had begun building Disneyworld until that server sadly closed.
    Additional Notes:
    Thank you for taking the time to review my application.
  11. Redpandapenguin

    Redpandapenguin Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Sep 6, 2017
    Trophy Points:
    Accepted, @toddtedd is the new director of Town Development!
    #11 Redpandapenguin, Feb 4, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2018
  12. Redpandapenguin

    Redpandapenguin Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Sep 6, 2017
    Trophy Points:
    Bump, we are accepting towns in any stage of development!
  13. PyroTechnix_

    PyroTechnix_ Professional Coffee Drinker
    EcoLegend ⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Prestige ⭐ IV ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 1, 2017
    Trophy Points:
    @Redpandapenguin Hey, just to let you know I'm still waiting on the mail from you. Thanks :)
  14. DiamondHogger123

    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Aug 22, 2017
    Trophy Points:
    hey @Redpandapenguin
    Application Format:
    -What is your IGN?: DiamondHogger123
    -What towns would you like to bring into the United Nations?: zulushopping and hexville
    -Are you recognized as the owner of these towns?: Official Owner of hexville, and co-owner of zulushopping
    -Please categorize each of your towns into the following categories; Agricultural, Residential, Commercial, Decorative, or Entertainment: Hexville is Residential and zulushopping is Commercial / Residential
    -Why do you want to join the United Nations?: I want the chance to help anybody in need, and I could learn some tips to become a better ECC player. I want to see my towns grow and flourish faster. I want to help anybody's town grow. I want to bring my skills towards other things and other people. I want to join an amazing community that cares about others. I want to create a law that could benefit all.
    -Which Sub-Categories would you like to join, if any?: Free Lava/Fire Placements and Free TPs
    -Do you agree to follow the laws listed? and agree to all future law changes (You may also leave the United Nations if a law is created and you refuse to follow.)?: I agree

    Organization Manager Application Format:
    -What is your IGN?:
    -What Organization are you applying to lead?: Builder Help Organization

    -What will you do as head of this Organization?: I will basically help anybody in need. I will always give my 110% on all of my builds. I can come up with a design for a build no matter if its too hard or too big. I want to be a friend in the community. I can also hire a build team to build things for people who need the help. I can create my own thread on forums about this build Organization. I can recruit builders on it. I will try to advertise the UN as much as I can.
    -Why should I chose you?: I am a very experienced builder. I can build almost anything that people will want. I am a very good leader. I am able to work in any conditions. I charge people very lightly.
    -Additional Info?: Thank you
    #14 DiamondHogger123, May 18, 2018
    Last edited: May 18, 2018