I'm sick and tierd of people gettin robbed a <Mod Edit> load of money and nothing can be done. My suggestion is to make a plugin that allows u to see people bals when they are offline take from their bals add to their bals etc. for example @sick24 was just scammed 700k by @jack121999 and that got be thinking maybe u can just take the 700k out of jacks bal and give it back to sick...
-1 the idea is there, but there would need to be a complaint filed for admins to properly know what happen. complaints take 24 hours to collect evidence.. thats more than enough time to get rid of the money. then you have admins chasing down people with empty bal.. some admins can already take money out of offline bal's for applying for res and what not.. it just seems like a waste of time. and has the potential to backfire
Well there might be a slight problem. Some of the people who want staff may abuse this feature. Not saying names, but this is a good and bad thing to add to the game. +1 I still think it is more good than it could bad.
Are you suggesting that people (well sever admins) be able to draw money out of others balances, or just able to see them? Sorry, I'm legitimately confused at what your suggesting
What I'm saying is that they am both loom at the bal and take the money if evidence provided is valid
If the money isn't in the bal what happens? This would make the plugin pointless and could get people mad Example: Person A got scammed by Person B. Person B got banned and Person A got his money back because of this plugin. Now, Person C gets scammed by Person D. Person D gets banned by the amount that was scammed wasn't in the balance. Now Person C is like "omg wtf you gives da moneh to person A buh not me?!?!?! WAI!" Chaos follows and then the end of the world. Case and point.
This will just help the people that have been scammed as of now someone can take 10000000000000000 ecd and log off never to return at least with this plugin some people would get their money back even if it's 1/10000 people at least it will help
That's the problem. 1/10000. Why should one person get special treatment over the 9999 others? Now, Disappearing Twinkie trick. I'm done with my side kthxbai
It will be like 50 percent and it's just improving everyone's chance of getting money back I'm sorry btw save me a Twinkie
This is so not okay. This is borderline troll suggestion matrix. You know that this will never be implemented, and it can and quite likely will be abused to all hell if it is. There are very good reasons why these things are kept to Staff only. GA+ are the only ones who can remove money, and even then it's for applications only. Not a good idea, and we are investigating this scam series.
What does "scam series" mean? Does it mean all the suggestions to help fix scamming? The issue is people are allowed to appeal and then never change their actions, and then they just repeat the process.