Thread Title: New Payment Type Adding Amazon Payments to the ECC Shop Minecraft Name: TERMINN8ER Suggestion: Adding Amazon to the list of payment options on the ECC shop Reason: I believe that the option will allow people to use their amazon gift cards they receive as gifts or for other reasons the option to spend it on ECC Donation Features. (amazon Pay is pretty much just an alternative to paypal for amazon users) Other Information: I personally Got the idea after i received a amazon gift card as a gift this christmas.
AgentHare please look up what an amazon pay option is before you comment. It will make more sense. Try This link
That's not quite how Amazon Payments works... it's basically a payment system many sellers use to easily do purchases. However @TERMINN8ER in my experience, you can still only use Amazon gift cards on the website it self, not through others that support Amazon payments.