By andrewkm on Nov 23, 2018 at 7:50 PM
  1. andrewkm

    Founder Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    We have just launched our brand new, professional chat system.
    Re-done and re-coded!

    It is impossible for me to list all the glorious things this system offers, so I'll keep it short:
    • All users can view chat.
    • Resident (& ex-Residents) can use the chat system.
    • Premium users have more features than I could ever write up.
      • The most notable, private chat rooms! These rooms have only one rule. No illegal IRL discussion. Everything else goes and will not be moderated IF the room is password protected.
    Purchase here:

    ECC Forum Premium Upgrade [Lifetime]
    The ECC Forum Premium Upgrade changes your standard forum account to a premium account (permanently).
    This gives you various additional & upgraded forum features.

    Forum Chat System:
    Chat System: View archive
    Chat System: Search archive
    Chat System: Edit own messages
    Chat System: Delete own messages
    Chat System: Add your own room (1 Maximum)
    Chat System: Password protect your added rooms
    Chat System: Use /me command
    Chat System: Use /whisper command
    Chat System: Use /giphy command
    Chat System: Use /quit command
    Chat System: Choose display mode
    Chat System: USe color
    Chat System: Bypass 10 second message check
    Chat System: Change settings
    Chat System: Set status
    Chat System: Use /poke command
    Chat System: Moderation: Use /mute on users in your channel
    Chat System: Moderation: Use /kick on users in your channel

    Forum Other:
    *** Access the private premium member forum section.
    *** Access and use the User Betting Exchange.
    *** Style the forum your way.
    *** Transfer forum bank money to others!
    *** "Premium User" banner under your name on the forums.
    *** Ability to change the tag under your name with a custom tag.
    *** Organize your forum medals any way you like.
    *** Bypass 30 second forum flood limit.
    *** Increase signature lines from 10 to 15.
    *** Make PM read date private.
    *** Maximum PM participants go up from 5 to 25.
    *** Maximum PM inbox space goes up from 100 to 5000.
    *** Rejoin deleted PMs.
    *** Create detailed PM conversation filters.
    *** Create detailed PM conversation prefixes.
    *** Create detailed PM participant groups.
    *** Create detailed PM auto response messages when you're away.
    *** Collapse the theme side bar.
    *** Add 10,000 trophy points to your account.
    #1 andrewkm, Nov 23, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2018


Discussion in 'News, Announcements & Server Information' started by andrewkm, Nov 23, 2018.