I need a piratey ship built. If you would like the job apply below. I have three designs that I would like in the order I would prefer. Links to the websites: 1.http://minecraft.worth1000.com/artists/Fawke/collections/favorites 2.http://adcaro.deviantart.com/art/Epic-Naval-Ship-On-Voxelbox-212527551 3.If you have an idea feel free to post below. I will look at any ideas, these are just ones I found online. 4.http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/533551-pirate-ship-yarrr/ Payment All materials would be paid for by me.The pay would be at least 10k depending on the ship you choose to build and how it turns out.
Hey Clob -I would like to try it. When I finish with what im working on now. If they ever fix the server
if this job hasnt been taken i would like it ive built a ship before theres pics on the forum but my ship was not nearly as big