My minecraft isn't working right! :(

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by CordialBacon, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. CordialBacon

    CordialBacon Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jun 14, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    My minecraft has been very glitchy and buggy lately, just today I was just dragging an item out of a chest (Because it won't allow me to shift click it out like normal) and my minecraft just closed. No crash report, just closed. It happened twice, in a row, in two different chests :/. I can't stack items appropriately or just throw things in single player creative inventory, it just won't work right. My character has also been getting stuck mid-movement just going in one direction until it decides to work. :/ Because of this I won't be on as often as I'd like to because I can't easily play the game or play it very well because of these bugs. If you have any help that would be appreciated, but don't think it's nesscary requirement, only if you want to.. :p I just wanted to make a thread so y'all could know, in case you were wondering why I'd be offline so much. I'll still try to get online but if my minecraft is just "closing" it can get annoying, because I have to open the launcher back up which can take a few minutes. So.. Yeah.