Hello, Im glad you are here to read this thread. The title says it all, I am creating something similar to @Rachel8484 's breast cancer awareness, however mine will be awareness that bullying is a very serious thing. So what is bullying? Here is the actual definition: "Ablustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people." Basically any constant harrasment of some sort targeting one person. How does it affect America? Due to some facts that may be unpleasant, I am putting it in a spoiler. Read at your own risk, however no profanity of any sort, substance use, etc exists. Spoiler: Facts Bullying causes many targeted kids to feel depressed. This will lead to events happening below. Over half of suicide cases were linked to bullying. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people, resulting in about 4,400 deaths per year, according to the CDC. For every suicide among young people, there are at least 100 suicide attempts. Over 14 percent of high school students have considered suicide, and almost 7 percent have attempted it. If you want to know what bullying causes, a great example is Amanda Todd. If you have not yet seen her youtube video, I highly suggest you watch it. I will not link it here as it contains 1 or 2 inappropriate terms, however it is a great thing to watch to understand what bullied victims go through. Simply search "Amanda todd" at youtube. What can you do? Its simple, Don't bully . Let others know that its not ok to bully, and do your best to help bullied victims. Ecc is more than a minecraft server, its a community. For my new and final project (Beside the giveaway) I have made a town warp that goes to a library in the town of procul. Pictures below. So yeah, whats it for? I wouldn't make a warp just to see a library of course. You can show the community that you are not a bully by signing the bookshelves with your name. Raise awareness for a serious issue. Although this may not have a big impact in the world, im hoping it will help just a little, because every penny counts. Lets have less harassment cases on the server. How do I sign it and how do I get there? You can Reply to this forum page or PM me ingame for Temporary perms. This is a bullying awareness project, seriously don't grief. If you have the /Tp feature, you can /warp procul. Don't have Tp? Ask someone who has Tp of they will tp you to the warp or PM me if im online. Caution: If you signed the bully awareness project and you are given a warning for harrasment since the day you signed, you will be required to remove your name. This is to prevent people signing just for fun, and hopefully it will help lower harrasment cases. For those of you who participated in Project B, Thank you. Together we can lower bullying and harassment cases. [14/Unlimited Signed] I did this Because I said I would. Feel like helping me get more signatures? Share this link with friends! http://tinyurl.com/qctg52g
I'll sign a bookshelf when I am next on. Does the fact you call this your "Final Project" mean you are leaving?