Our (zjkhan and StanleyMines's) Progress: 377/1500 Nstars[$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$] Pickaxe Status: To be purchased Pickaxe Name (to be): Code: Anyone have any ideas? Spoiler: Comments
We are collecting, and then later, we may be. Currently, the prices are so high, We might just sell all our stars till the prices are back down to 300, or there are 6 sites.
1500/3=500/2=250 Pick is 1500. You vote, get 3 stars. Thats 500 days. Friend cuts that in two, so 250 days of voting.
so you have 16 nstars? I have 0. I cant find them. @314, wana work together to get the pick? you have like 50 right?
Almost...120. Multiple people collecting is too confusing for one result thread, thus I am making my own.
117 NStars! Updated! @zjkhan you said you have some, the chest is in the back of shop 28, blue 2 left.