Hey there guys! Its zedoker here, with some unfortunate news. As some people may know, junrocks1234 had "quit." Upon quitting, he gave me the "zues" position, which means full power. I have deleted every member/staff member, and am planning on demolishing the town, and setting up something new. Sadly, i know that this is a sad thing that i am doing, but i always have had a dream of owning a town and making an amazing structure. If you wish to collect any items that are in the town, please pm me so i can give you perms to the town. Also, if you are interested in helping demolish the town, please pm me, you will not be payed unless its for e-repairs. If you want to purchase the town, write it down below and ill contact you in game or forums.
It was a hard choice to make, but I decided that demolition needs to occur, people can buy the town if they want.
Zedoker this is completely unfair, Junrocks1234 had spent time and money in to this so you could destroy it? Thats just not fair! and in addition there were people who bought plots to the town and now don't have any perms. oh and 1 more thing its not "zues" its "Zeus"
If he quit, then why does it matter to him? I'll probably spend more time and money doing what i am planning then anyone else will