This should probably be in the Suggestions section. I personally think this is a bad idea. Mayor takes money out of the economy and I think most users are perfectly happy where it is now.
Mayor is at a good price right now. Find a good way to earn money and stick to it and it won't take long to earn the money to get mayor.
Honestly it would be too easy to get mayor, on my old account I could have this done in exactly 2hours. Not sure how long it would take now though
When you lower the cost of things it lowers the VALUE of things. The VALUE of being a resident is relatively easy to achieve (especially if you get some help from a friend or friends). But the VALUE of being a resident over a builder is worth way more than the COST of 15k. It means you have made a commitment to the server. Paying 85k for Mayor furthers that commitment. As well as begins to show that with that kind of commitment you can start to value the responsibility that comes with mayorship.
He was on last night saying he would be mayor this morning... I hope he stays but develops a little more maturity. Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 4 Beta