Maybe its been done, but this is mine

Discussion in 'Economy & Market' started by milesdarkedge, Jan 7, 2015.

  1. milesdarkedge

    milesdarkedge Builder
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    Nov 5, 2012
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    I am looking into getting a star tool. Lottery was a bad investment for me, so I have stopped up that hemorrhaging money situation. I tried to get into the loaning business, but got scammed, and that is more than enough for me to decide that it is too much effort, for too little reward there. I am good with math, so started to do a breakdown for what it will take to get to an Eff 7 pick. 1500 nether stars.

    If I log in, every day, I get 3 netherstars per day. 500 day baseline. Netherstars are going for $500 or so a piece right now. If I average 3 hours of gameplay a day, and can bring in 15K in those hours of gameplay, that is 30 netherstars per playing day, if I buy nothing else that doesn't add to my aggregate total.

    33 Netherstars per day makes 45 days of hard work, at a reasonable rate of speed. In theory, I can make more money, faster. In theory, the voting could make me lucky, and boost that quicker. A month and a half at the rate I have described. Quite an investment for a digital aquisition ;)

    Just having fun sharing some of my mathematical musings online. Some people say that they can make 45K per hour, and without a star tool, you hear far less claims to that effect. The big trick, is to not get scammed, and not lose any more money to the lottery, both of those have been a serious back slide to forward momentum.

    Have a good one everyone :)
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  2. milesdarkedge

    milesdarkedge Builder
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    Nov 5, 2012
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    500 days is the baseline, that means 1 year and 135 days if I was doing nothing else to get nether stars. At present, I have collected 314 nether stars towards my goal, I have lined out the number of slots I will have to fill with stacks of nether stars to get my first star tool. Behold, the goal!


    1186 more Nether Stars to my goal New base line of 3 stars per day comes out to 395 days of voting. I have upgraded my wheat farm, better spaced things out, and added a third floor that is devoted to nether wart. I can bring in 2K every time a full harvest of wheat occurs per floor. This is my primary farming money maker


    At first as I was doing this, it was just to jot my ideas down, to get the thoughts from my head to organize a goal. But the more I entered, the more I thought, maybe this could help some of the newer players. This is a method of gathering the nether stars to get the tools that supposedly make it so that you can practically print your own money in this environment. No loans, or renting star tools, or complicated contracts. Just hard work, AVOID lottery, and supplement your income with what you can.

    That is, I might get bored with the farming, so I go mining, or fishing, or checking prices to find something I can convert to a better price. I have a full set of Fortune 3, Unbreakable 3, Eff 5 tools. I have had these from back when I played more often, but you can get these from the right buyer from between 8 and 12 K. That is 2-3 passes through my wheat farm I built to get a better tool. Also, fortune 3 axe, when used on ground plants like wheat and netherwart, generally seems to yield a higher volume of goods. Wheat only increases the number of seeds, but the seeds are .15 a pop. The axe does not lose durability. I use this while I wait for my green terra ability to cool down and I'll use my diamond hoe.

    This is a detailed account of how I farm, I'll keep my mining secrets ;)
  3. goblizz

    goblizz The One and Only
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    Dec 25, 2013
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    I remember doing this for my eff7 :D Good to see someone tallying math!

    Great thread, and good luck!
  4. milesdarkedge

    milesdarkedge Builder
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    Nov 5, 2012
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    18 K at the end of the day today :) Clear improvement after I started harvesting the nether wart as well. Would have been higher, but helped some new players, good feelings on how this will work out in the coming days. Ended the day with 36 more Nether Stars.

    Puts total in the chest at 356 nether stars. 1144 nether stars to go.

    Assuming 15 K plus 3 stars per day ... 33 nether stars per day if I can maintain that pace. about 35 days at that rate, but if I can do better than 5 K per hour, which I should be able to, about another month at my current rate of speed. And thanks @goblizz
  5. subxplorer

    subxplorer Mayor for Life
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    Oct 8, 2012
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    It is good to see a player realize that it takes time and committed effort to reach big goals, just like in real life. There is no such thing as getting rich quick. Good thread and stick to your plan and you will get there!
  6. AdmiralD

    AdmiralD IsleTradingCo
    EcoLeader ⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ V ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 26, 2013
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    It is awesome to see you set realistic goals and work hard to achieve them. I would highly recommend ExtCommands+ (it you don't have it) before you ever get that star tool!
  7. milesdarkedge

    milesdarkedge Builder
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    Nov 5, 2012
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    I have ext creations, teleport, pyro, pyro+, /back, and two of the mcmmo things. Too much out of pocket to buy extcommands, though erepair would be super helpful
  8. milesdarkedge

    milesdarkedge Builder
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    Nov 5, 2012
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    Wrapping up today, the chest of nether stars is filling slowly but surely. Now at 495 Nether stars showing a 99 nether star gain as of my last post from Thursday, which comes out to about my 33 stars per day. Good times, 32 more days of this level or better, and I will have my first 1500 nether star tool. I was informed that the fishing pole is not a solid investment, and that the eff 7 pick would be the way to go. Apparently that is the way I am going.

    Shopping around, I found someone who has a store property ... but no store in it, sold me some netherstars at 480 a piece, most other dealers are selling them at 500 and up. Last day was spent just mining, good times, needed a break from the farm. Also starting to add another floor of nether wart to my 3 story farm

    Have a good night all :)
    #8 milesdarkedge, Jan 12, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2015
  9. milesdarkedge

    milesdarkedge Builder
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    Nov 5, 2012
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    656 Nether Stars and counting :) Added half of the next floor of nether wart. Learned some new tricks with bone meal, farming, and mining. Now that Mining World was restarted, I can clear something like 2K ecodollars on a trip if I keep my mind to it. My excavation level is so high, that I frequently have disks fall out of dirt, these sell for $100 each, glowstone dust, cocoa beans, eggs also drop from excavation efforts.

    844 stars to go, almost halfway there. at 33 stars per day, 25 days left on the clock.
  10. milesdarkedge

    milesdarkedge Builder
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    Nov 5, 2012
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    So here is the trick I learned ;) I have been working a skeleton spawner in mining world. Harvesting things with a loot3 sword, and selling the experience at Station7 for 62.5 per 100 exp. It racks up the $ pretty fast. Between "harvests" at the spawner, I took the bones and made bone meal. A bone server sells for 1$, but the bonemeal yields 3 per bone, and they only sell for .30 each, so you lose .10 converting the bones to bonemeal to hand sell. I found out if you make enough room in the adjoining room to the spawner, you can plant a mushroom, I prefer the brown mushroom since it grows vertically, and then out, the red one keeps punching me in the face.

    With a silk touch axe, you can harvest between 59 and 65 pieces of mushroom, every time. So, at best, you turn a .50 mushroom and a .30 bonemeal ... less than 1$, into about $30 every time you plant and grow it. even if it takes a few shots of the bone meal, you can see a distinct increase in the value of your investment. I do this while I wait for the skeletons to spawn, and then I collect the skeletons, and go back to the mushrooms to cylce that. Tree Feller works on giant mushrooms, and I do that every few cycles, so that I refresh the number of plantable mushrooms in my inventory. It treats the stem like the log for my silk touch, and the "leaves" are the fragments up top. I have leveled up my mcmmo woodcutting skill like a hundred levels while grinding up profits. :) wears out your axes though, so be careful to not over use your axe.

    I hope this helps ppl out there.
  11. milesdarkedge

    milesdarkedge Builder
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    Nov 5, 2012
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    Latest and greatest :) a silk touch axe collects leaves, leaves sell for .10 each to the server, perhaps more if you can find the right buyer.

    I learned that if you can set up to fish from a boat, it increases the liklihood of good things. Fewer traps, and less garbage. I ran 6 seperate runs, 2 of the runs with standard poles (least satisfying results of the entire experiment). For the remainder of my runs, I used a lure 3, lord of the sea 3, and unbreakable 3, a max rod for all of us new to these terms out there. With the boat in use, I saw a statistically satisfying increase in the number of fish I got. I also saw more of everything good, that is, I almost doubled the number of pufferfish I found, between runs.

    Sand has no value to the server, but you can cook sand. Sand becomes glass, and GLASS sells for .20 each. One of my methods for making money, is finding people selling sand for less than 12.80 per stack. And I cook it, to make glass. Since I have pyro +, I can spawn lava in a bucket, and cooking things pretty much is free to me. Its the classic buy low, sell high concept. And just shopping around can yield some promising results. The same gag can be used for cobblestone. Cobblestone sells for .05 each, but if you cook it, stone sells for .10 each. I buy cobblestone for somewhere between $4 and $6 per stack, and I can collected a return on my investment after I cook it, since I can sell a stack of stone to the server for $6.40. Part of this trick, for anyone following this, is to keep your fuel costs as low as possible. It is free for me, thats about as low as overhead can get. But if you are cooking $12 in coal to get this small return on investment, it might not be as successful for you.

    If you don't have one in your home or place of work, I can not iterate enough the importance of a cook pot. I have 5 cookpots in my base. 2 doubles, and a single. You can feed buckets of lava to them, and they save the "heat" to flash cook your things faster than furnaces can. Since you don't get exp from furnaces anymore, these are the way to go. They only use the heat needed to cook an object, there is no waste like you see in a standard furnace. The biggest drawback from when I first put one into my home, was that you don't get exp from them like you could from furnaces. Since exp from furnaces is disabled, not a problem ;)

    You can make an mcmmo tool that is a "flux pickaxe" requires smelting level 250+ and gives you a chance to smelt ore as you mine it. You make a flux pickaxe by putting it into a standard furnace, and cooking it. It takes about as long as a block of iron ore would take to smelt. You will see the arrow light up as it begins to "smelt" into its finished form. As far as I can tell, you can enchant it after you make it, using the signs at the exp shop. But if you smelt an enchanted pick, you lose the enchantment. I don't have anvil services, so not sure if you can use an anvil to add enchants to it.
  12. goblizz

    goblizz The One and Only
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Dec 25, 2013
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    And, I just had my daily dose of Moneymaking 101. o_O

    Great ideas! I shall be trying some of these myself soon :)
  13. milesdarkedge

    milesdarkedge Builder
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    Nov 5, 2012
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    Courtesy of Romper83273, she showed me that cobwebs server sell for $5 each. Up to this point, I have just used my sword to clear cobwebs from the mine shafts. Webs sell to server for .50 each. Use shears with silk touch on them, and make 100x more clearing webs from those pesky mineshafts we keep coming across., You can clear hundres of eco dollars easily near one of those cave spider spawners. Add unbreaking 3 to your shears, and you will have to have them repaired less frequently, adding to your profits!
  14. AdmiralD

    AdmiralD IsleTradingCo
    EcoLeader ⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ V ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 26, 2013
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    Hey, quit giving away all the deep dark money making secrets :p - I still can't come across a mineshaft without gathering cobwebs - but never really thought of it this way - Very nice job!
    #14 AdmiralD, Jan 21, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2015
  15. milesdarkedge

    milesdarkedge Builder
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    Nov 5, 2012
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    848 nether stars and counting. 652 left to collect, the base price for nether stars has gone up, I have been buying them at 510 each as I collect more, and shuffle towards my goal :) Not much longer now. 19 more days at 33 per day.
  16. BuyLowSeIIHigh

    BuyLowSeIIHigh Builder
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    Dec 8, 2014
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    This thread is a gold mine! Thans for the tips!

    Also, good luck on your goal, the progress is good!
    #16 BuyLowSeIIHigh, Jan 22, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2015
  17. milesdarkedge

    milesdarkedge Builder
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    Nov 5, 2012
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    Glad people are having a positive experience in my thread :) Had my first set back today since I started this endeavor, lost a max fortune 3 pick and a max fortune 3 axe. That is a a value of about 18 K lost through silliness. To make the 33 stars per day, I am estimating that I can pull in about 15000 every day. To some, this would be debilitating, but I have invested in spare tools, so that this is not a crippling blow to my ability to continue. Mistakes happen. You might not be paying enough attention, and break your tool completely before you can find someone to erepair it for you. You might accidentally hit q, and drop it into lava, or into a ravine you can't get to the bottom of in time.

    Here is what I do, as I had assets in the green earlier(before putting everything towards this nether star project :) ), I invested in tools. i bought them, collected them, traded them. I have 4 fortune 3, eff 5, unbreakable 3 pickaxes, or max fortune picks. I still have 3 max silk picks, 2 fortune 3 max axes, 1 silk max axe, 5 max shovels with various fortune or silks on them. A sword with sharp 5, unbreakable 3, loot 3 on it. And another sword with sharp 5, unbreakable 3, loot 3, and fire aspect 2

    This is my tool box, and represents some serious investment earlier on. You need tools to succeed here, and this is my tool box for now. I am going to add a star tool to the stable, and that should make money gathering a lot faster. A possible trick to avoid casting your pick into lava, disable your throw command, the q key is far too close to the standard wasd commands, or move the key across the keyboard. This could save you some embarrassing frustration.

    I recomend extras, so that in the event of calamity, you are not completely stopped in your efforts. Just occurred to me that I should share that tidbit out there, for those living on the edge with one set of tools, and no backup plan.
  18. milesdarkedge

    milesdarkedge Builder
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    Nov 5, 2012
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    I do not have ext commands, so I can not use ebooks. However, I have an entire double chest full of assorted books. I buy them low, or trade them from villagers. As I collect them, I can trade them for items, or sell them at a higher value than I bought them at. I have friends that do have the ability to use anvils, and it is cheaper for them to enchant in an anvil, than to use any of the signs back at the expshop. When you find an ebook in a random chest, even if you can't use it, look at it for what it is. You have found an asset, a thing of value intrinsic or otherwise.

    I have a storage room, full of the treasures of the world, waiting for a time to cash out on it. Today, I went into auction channel with a glitched texture pufferfish I won from a storage wars I attended. It was a successful day, and I sold the fish to Jozeyfyx for $860. The locker I got it from was 250, and came with assorted ores and random bits. You just have to find a time and a place to use or expend your assets. I found a villager who I traded various goods with, and got a chest full of depth strider 3 ebooks. I have sold those for between 3 and 5K each. They cost me 21 emeralds and a book to get each. I still have a few of them kicking around with my other books. Find a resource, aquire it low, and turn around to sell that resource at a profit. Buy Low, Sell High. That is the name of the commodities game :)

    This is my storage room on the fourth floor of my home, I have changed the chests to stack 3 high after I saw a trick by pilot3101 to use slabs to fill in the ceiling above the third chest, so that all of them will function fine.

  19. 314

    314 Irrational SuperMod, former ServerAdmin
    SuperMod EcoLegend ⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Prestige ⭐ VI ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 1, 2014
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    Awesomeness of Pi confirmed.

    This thread is generallý very useful...and good luck! :D
  20. milesdarkedge

    milesdarkedge Builder
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    Nov 5, 2012
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    I am back ahead of the curve! I gambled with a single lottery ticket, and one-shot a $43,000 win! Woo, so, replaced some lost tools, bought up some low cost things. Had some associates( Thank you very much @Imabankthing @WarMachine8 ) give me a few nice enchanted items that I can upgrade over time. I have been working a skeleton spawner quite a bit, so collecting bones that I don't use in farming, and I now have my sixth completely filled double chest of bows :) Looking for a real market for those still.

    Andrew had a mining run today, it was insane, and I almost got killed by a few pvp-ers who would rather steal the hard work of people mining than have a pick axe in their hands. A bit scum-baggish, but that's the risk of a pvp-allowed mining event. For all of my efforts, walked away with 30 some emeralds, 8 diamond blocks - which I am saving in my pile of diamonds, and about 3 k worth of iron/gold/coal. I am glad I always go mining in various levels protection armor.

    As I got jumped by the guys that brought swords to a pickaxe event, I /homed at half a heart left. I almost lost a set of max tools and my suit of armor I traded for ebooks a few weeks ago.

    985 netherstars in chest, 515 more to go! 15 days of my standard rate to go! 33 netherstars per day, I can do this!

    #20 milesdarkedge, Jan 25, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2015