♦ ♢ Market Trading Center ♢ ♦ Have a shop you don't want? Looking to buy a shop? Trading Shops? Completely player based! Post here! Applications: Buying A Spawn Shop: Code: In-game Name: Where would you like your store to be located?: How much are you looking to pay? Is this offer negotiable?: Form of contact: Selling A Spawn Shop: Code: In-game Name: Where's your Spawn Shop located?: How much are you selling it for? Is it a negotiable offer: Form of contact: Extra information Trading A Spawn Shop Code: In-game name: Where's your Spawn Shop located, and where would you like your new Spawn Shop located Near/At?: Are you trading head to head spawn shops? Or are you paying something extra?: Form of contact: Extra Information: I, Jetscat, am not Buying/Trading/Selling, and you DON'T post here to order a spawn shop, this is completely user based. ♦ ♢ Market Trading Center ♢ ♦
<3 Thanks, many people have been discussing about Selling/Buying/Trading spawn shops; thought i'd make a little section for it.
In-game Name: edugodoi Where would you like your store to be located?: First floor. How much are you looking to pay? Is this offer negotiable?: 600k-1mil! Ya, it is negotiable. Form of contact: Pm me in forum.
In-game Name: xX3PICREBELXx Where's your Spawn Shop located?: Station 20 How much are you selling it for? Is it a negotiable offer: 450k. I dont really want to negoitiate. Form of contact: I look at all website messages and in-game. Just send me a mail Extra information: Its in a good location and can make plenty of money
In-game name:Grahamster00 Where's your Spawn Shop located, and where would you like your new Spawn Shop located Near/At?: Station 33 Are you trading head to head spawn shops? Or are you paying something extra?: Trading head to head, with maybe like 1k or 9 emeraldd. Form of contactm or e-mail Extra Information:Looking to trade for one on the other side of market, preferably on the first floor or In-game Name: grahamster00 Where's your Spawn Shop located?: 33 How much are you selling it for? Is it a negotiable offer:Whatever I can get. N/A Form of contact:See above. Extra information: Please no troll offers