Hey, Twisted here, looking to loan out some money! Below are the details. Regular Loan Looking to take a loan for a project your working on? Maybe you need a little more for that next rank? Apply below! Interest rates are a flat 15% unless other terms are agreed upon. Forum Contracts will be done for each loan and tracked here in this thread. Max Amount: $500K To apply for a loan just submit the application in this thread. With that info I'll come up with a term length and interest rate for you based on previous activity on the forums (other loans you may have taken and if you've been banned before). The Application: IGN: How much do you want: How much can you pay back per week: Loan Purpose:
IGN:koko_2022 How much do you want:300k How much can you pay back per week:100k-150k Loan Purpose:Lotto/gambling