In Game Name: RazorRimzWhat part of EcoCityCraft is this suggestion for: Main City ServerShort title for your suggestion: Star Tool PricesWhat are you suggesting: Drop each Star Tool's price in /warp starshop by 250 nstars. Make mswords and eff7s cost 1750 nstars, or even less.Why is this a good addition for EcoCityCraft?: More star tools on the server. I know they're supposed to be rare, but they're just TOO rare right now. Nobody can afford them and nobody can get their hands on them because buying them with nstars is just so goddamn expensive to the point where it makes you question if it's even worth it, and since there are so few on the server, nobody is ever selling their star tools outright. Raising the prices to 2k nstars was fine before the reset since there were already plenty brought into the server. Now, they need to be lowered again, like the old days.Other information: In my opinion, mswords should be 1500 nstars and eff7s should be 1750. I don't know why they cost the same right now, eff7s are so clearly better, but that's a completely different discussion.Plugin or custom addition: N/AOne suggestion per form: I Understand.
....there are people with 3 startools or more. People just dont want to sell yet is all but theres a good number on the server. -1 leave the tools how they are. they're meant to be endgame tools and are suppose to take awhile to get.
I agree with strongpelt on this one. The fact that star tools exist is great. Making them easier to obtain? Not so much. There have to be things on this server that are worth working towards; it's part of the game. We have been on 1.13 for only weeks now and we have people with them already. If I wouldn't be hated, I would suggest making them more difficult to get. I also want to point out that I do not have any star tools nor do I plan on being able to quite some time.
I agree with both strong and Kiwi on this - Star tools were a huge part of the demise of archive. We had players that had multiple tools toward the end and I hope it takes a long while for this to happen again.
-1 Loads of people have star tools! Heck it feels easier than before because you can get nstars with exp. I agree with what’s been said, the server is still fresh and new, people aren’t ready to sell their star tools just yet. It might be wise to just take some time to save up nstars (either buy them off others or mine/fish and trade in your exp for them). I can agree that some star tools (like the shovel) cost way too much and the prices of all star tools should be looked into, but I don’t think the prices of the eff7 or melon sword need to be lowered simply cause you can’t find one to buy off someone else, there are other ways to get them...
As much of a joke as this is, it got me thinking - what if there was a one-time-use-per-account kit that would give wooden tools with star qualities without the unbreaking enchant so they still broke fast? Just so new people could test out the op enchant and know what to look forward to as an end game goal. Edit: And make sure the tools couldn't be traded or dropped (given the curse of binding enchant) so they're exclusive per account.
Actually a really interesting concept. I remember prior to ever using a star took someone trying to explain it to me and me just not getting it. This would be really cool to let people experience a startool. It being wood would also make it pretty impractical to just keep /fix'ing it.