1. What is your In-Game-Name? Jotolink 2. What is the co-ordinates of the protection: 1st one is a chest: X:-4191 Y:63 Z:-1175 2nd is a Wood door: X:-4178 Y:64 Z:-1178 3rd is a Wood door: X:-4187 Y:56 Z:-1183 4th Is a Sign: X:-4176 Y:64 Z:-1176 5th is a wood door: X:-4181 Y:64 Z:-1160 3. Whos protections are these? (Use /cinfo to find out): MrRabbit12345 4. What kind of protections are these? (doors, chests, signs etc.): 1 chest 3 wood door 1 Sign 5. Is this user banned from the server? Can you provide proof of this?: this user is not banned 6. Why do you want it gone/reasons?: its in my town and player been removed from the town.
Contact user: MrRabbit12345 - to remove items from chest before LWC Removal can happen. For doors/trap doors, please add me to town. //Awaiting Reply. 24 hours until LWC Removal can proceed.