lwc removal

Discussion in 'Historically Archived Staff Requests' started by DaXaardvark, Jul 3, 2013.

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  1. DaXaardvark

    DaXaardvark Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Jun 7, 2013
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    1. What is your In-Game-Name? daxaardvark

    2. What town are the protections in? thecheesetown

    3. Are you the mayor or co-mayor? co mayor

    4. What are the co-ordinates of the protection: (DO NOT POST SCREENSHOTS, type them out please)
    really all over the town a smod can follow me around or something and ill point out the lwc's

    5. Whos protections are these? (Use /cinfo to find out): everyone

    6. What kind of protections are these? (doors, chests, signs etc.): all

    7. How many protections are we removing?: i have no idea

    8. Is this user banned from the server? If not, have you tried to contact them about removing their things? all chests i point out will be because of inactivity( pm me if you need to follow me)
    9. Why do you want it gone/reasons?: inactivity
  2. generaljoecool

    generaljoecool Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Feb 15, 2012
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    I am going to have to deny this lwc request. You need to at least post the co-ord to the lock clusters of each user. You will have to list the name of all users that locks need to be removed. The protection types need to be stated so we can confirm we remove all the locks. Also, a rough estimate of the lock number is needed so the Staff team can confirm the right amount of locks are removed. I would advise one app per user's lock that needs to be removed.

    Lwc removal request denied.
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