1. What is your In-Game-Name? yesyea 2. Do you have the payment needed for the service? (If applicable) I would say I can scrounge up $0 3. What is the co-ordinates of the protection: (In Athens if that helps) X:511 Y:65 Z:1890 4. Why do you want it gone/reasons? I recently purchased a home previously belonging to a user which was banned from Athens. There is a front door, two furnaces, and a chest which are still protected by the previous owner (I assume). I have indicated which chests and furnaces with torches. The door is the left one on the front of the house. Thanks in advance! Edit: Since I made this request someone must have viewed this thread and decided to go private all the furnaces in the house. I deleted every furnace and chest that wasn't private to make it easier on you, every furnace and chest inside is now locked by someone besides me. There is some furnaces on floor 1 that need to be removed, a chest on floor two, and the left front door. Thanks Andrew