1. What is your In-Game-Name? : DJ NuKe 2. What is the co-ordinates of the protection: X: -736 Y: 70 Z: -519 (Approximately, for the chests) 3. Whos protections are these?: DB140 4. What kind of protections are these? (doors, chests, signs etc.): - 4 chests (on the 2nd floor of the house) that were supposed to be co-op chests - 1 Furnace (ground level) that was supposed to be co-op Reference Picture : Spoiler 5. Is this user banned from the server? Can you provide proof of this?: Absolutely : viewtopic.php?f=59&t=9140 6. Why do you want it gone/reasons?: They were co-op chests and furnace, and now he's gone. Would like the items back and/or remove them to build something else there instead