In Game Name: tumblemasterHave you read the in-depth application instruction: I have read the instructions.Are we removing LWC Protections or Trade Signs: LWC ProtectionsWhat town are these in: Saffron_CityOriginal town application link: world is this town in: RisingWhich user do these protections currently belong to: @RobustMan123Is the player who owns the protections inactive: They are inactive. I only really wanted to get them out because I noticed they had griefed another persons house by locking a trapdoor and some upper doors. When I checked their "/seen", I noticed they were inactive, and messaged childersc to talk about it. I haven't asked them, because I didn't see the problem until they were already an inactive player.Provide the X Y Z coordinates, number, and type of protections: 1190 69 -4421 -- 2 Doors (Double Doors) and a trapdoor. 1167 65 -4431 -- 2 Double Chests, 4 Funaces, 1 DoorAre any of the protections listed located in a PvP-enabled area: NoWhy are you requesting these protections be removed: The first ones are because they are in someone else's plot, they prevent access to the upstairs. The second ones are because he is being removed from my town and I want to remove his belongings and such so that other's can use that plot eventually.Processing time is 1-7 days: I Understand.