In Game Name: Queen_SpectraHave you read the in-depth application instruction: I have read the instructions.Are we removing LWC Protections or Trade Signs: LWC ProtectionsWhat town are these in: chromencoveOriginal town application link: world is this town in: RisingWhich user do these protections currently belong to: elembraIs the player who owns the protections inactive: they haven't been on in 30 days and are ignoring my messages on discord and other social media.Provide the X Y Z coordinates, number, and type of protections: -13817 63 -14164 -- 8 birch doors, 3 blue concrete, 1 stained clay -13180 64 -14162 -- 2 furnaces, 3 double chests -13172 63 -14079 --1 trapdoor, 1 furnace (down the ladder in the chest room) -13185 68 -14067 -- 2 doors -13181 68 -14075 -- 2 doors -13181 63 -14068 --1 jukebox -13267 84 -14104 --1 single chestAre any of the protections listed located in a PvP-enabled area: NoWhy are you requesting these protections be removed: they take up space in areas of my town which could be used to house more players, shops or pathways.Processing time is 1-7 days: I Understand.