Lotto suggestion mrcooltrey So i love to lotto. i know others who love to lotto. And when you win lotto you feel like a king. Well after you get your winnings what comes next? "can i have y money back" or "if you don't give me my money imma always follow you with my kits in sg". I don't know about you guys but the crap is so annoying. You risk losing your money in lotto plain and simple. If you win you do if you don't tough luck. I had been of for a while and i saw you can post complaints if someone accuses you of hacks. I suggest people can post complaints for the ping spam from everyone after a lotto. Tell me your thoughts below.
Well actually you can already do that. I guess I think more people should be punished for asking for their lost money back. Really it's not theirs anymore anyways. I feel a rule about just not spamming but repeatedly asking lotto winners for money
You don't know what spam from a lotto win is until you win 14.8m But honestly I don't think it's that big of a problem. You can always /ignore someone if they persist in PMing you asking for money.
I always enjoyed being spammed being asked for money when I won because it made me feel rich. I guess that's just me xD
Well, I was thinking about making a thread about all the lotto givebacksies people. Post a screenshot of them saying it multiple times to you, then I write it down on the list. I don't see anything wrong about it.
Just ignore them. Simple as that. And if they threaten you, just file a complaint for blackmail. Otherwise, they have the freedom to PM you asking for their money back.
Persistant badgering/requesting paybacks may also constitute harassment depending on the circumstances and severity too.