Welcome to LootMania. This is my Marketplace for all the things I have looted due to the LWC Cleanup. That's why all the prices are ridiculously low; you might think its too good to be true! If a price is too high or not cheap, let me know, I might have been misinformed on prices. Items are all bid-able. Meaning, you can bid on items, and the price listed will be the starting price. Tools: Diamond Sword (Knockback II) $500 Diamond Sword (Sharpness III, Fire Aspect II, Looting II) $2.5k Diamond Pickaxe (Efficiency IV ,Silk Touch, Unbreaking III) $7k Diamond Pickaxe (Efficiency II) $500 Fishing Rod (Lure III, Luck of Seas III) $4.5k Bow (Punch II, Flame) $750 Max Bow (Power V, Punch II, Unbreaking III, Flame, Infinity) $4k Diamond Shovel (Efficiency II) $500 Armour: Diamond Helmet (Fire Protection III, Respiration III) $2k Diamond Boots (Fire Protection IV, Feather Falling IV) $4k Chainmail Helmet (Protection I) Enchanted Books: Looting II $1k Unbreaking III $2k Projectile Protection IV, Aqua Affinity $3k Fire Protection III $2k Power IV Smite IV Knockback II $3.5k Knockback I $500 Miscellaneous Items: Golden Apple $100 3 Pig Spawn Eggs $2k each Diamond, Gold, Iron House Armour $100 each Saddles x12 $100 each 8 Minute Night Vision Potions x24 $200 each Nametags x2 $100 each
I would like to purchase or bid on the eff 5 silk 1 unbreaking 3 Diamond pickaxes for 7k and the Lure 3 LOTS 3 for 4.5k.