Already got VMR prestige or just want money more? I'll pay you to carry me. What you'll get: Any/all VMR winnings + 25k per leaderboard point My eternal gratitude Lots and lots of skyblock levels if you want I don't play enough to get VMR prestige but I want it anyway. Help me out and I'll pay you, and also help you get Skyblock prestige. Let me know, thanks
I have at least 6 hours of playing time everyday throughout the summer(8 hours on average). And i was planning to play on VMR since a month ago. I believe i could help you out with this. I would really appreciate it if you accepted me
Updated payment: Now all rewards + 25k per VMR point earned! Ideally looking for someone who has already prestiged on VMR.
Pretty much you do all the work but save the materials, I hop on from time to time and sell them so I can "win" vmr for the points. You would keep any winnings I get as well as an additional 25k for every point I get (so if I get 4 points you will still get 100k even if I didn't win any prizes)