Looking to get a $250,000 loan, i want to bet on sports! pm me in game or forums/both if willing to give me a loan! i'm interested in any reasonable rates, just come and talk to me
The fact that you are offering a 75% interest rate makes this feel sketchy. The last time I saw an interest rate that big they lotto'ed it away and got banned. Also, that is 350k per week. If you lose your gambling, and are unable to pay back with USD to ecd exchanges, how do you expect to pay?
No one is giving me a loan so I bumped the price. Unfortunately Due to my history no one knowingly give me a loan, unless they get paid well. It sucks but it's my fault. If I can't pay in u.s. dollars and lose all my money due to gambling I have no way in paying but it will get paid, I'm not risking $600 to get banned
Why would I come and donate 600 US dollars in a short time to get unbanned to get banned again? I understand your reason and I hundred percent agree with that just no you will get paid. I have rented to melon swords and return them with no hassle and by donation features for other players recently without any problems
Exactly that's why I know no one will loan me any money that's why I'm paying more money than I should to get people's attention worth the shot