O.O wtf. my longest was today and was 9 hours. Were u playing that whole time or did u just keep the call going while you slept?
My friend IRL is a bit obsessive and kept a skype call going for 120 hours, I don't have a screenshot but I'll try to get one from him.
My longest was 163 hours, that was without interruption, if I count immediately re-opening the call after it went down then around 200 hours. This was over a year ago though, so I don't have any screenshots for proof.
...I don't remember this, but apparently it is legit. Maybe it's in our chat history somewhere, lol. Other than Kuke, I've had at least a 178 hour call, and many 60+ hour calls. xP Never took screenshots, because they were so common and I never thought about it.
Pretty sure the longest call I ever had was like, 5 hours or something. No screenshots, I don't have any history of it either because I reinstalled my skype awhile ago, lol.
I can talk to Alarah rainbowmaster12 and eekelmo all day long lol. Lets not forget clou44 sometimes too.