Coming soon to Rising.... Limetopia: Land of Adventure! This new project is for my Mayor town of Limetopia, situated by the mountains and the coast, making it an ideal place for a theme park! What will this park have? So, a lot of the park's rides will include popular Minecraft Minigames including: - Spleef - Golf - Pig Racing - Ice Skating - Many, many rollercoasters - PVP Arena - And some original ideas: - Hockey - Board Games - Shooting Range - The park will also have a hotel. Staff Roles: Obviously, a huge project like this needs some staff! We need: Builders: @Maraky @Blacksniper11 @Jose0213 Sales Reps: @neighneighhorse Both these jobs will be paid. Spoiler: Application IGN: Role applying for: Why do you want this role?: How active are you?: Do you understand that your application may take 1-7 days to be accepted?: Donations are accepted. Happy Holidays!
IGN: neighneighhorse Role applying for: sales rep Why do you want this role?: I'm very persuasive and I rarely use trade so I'll have the space to advertise How active are you?: Almost every day with some exceptions Do you understand that your application may take 1-7 days to be accepted?: Yep
IGN: Jose0213 Role applying for: Builder Why do you want this role?: I am a roller coaster operator in real life, so I would be great to help build any roller coaster! How active are you?: very Do you understand that your application may take 1-7 days to be accepted?: yes