Minecraft Username: Lurxolt Brief Description: Lift signs stopped working after the maintenance an hour ago. Instructions: 1. Place lift sign. 2. Try to use it. 3. Notice it won't work. How many times did you recreate this?: Multiple times. Multiple users are experiencing this issue. Result: Nothing. Expected Result: The lift would take you to the other lift. Evidence: Not needed.
Thanks for the reply! I can confirm that I'm unable to build working gates. I never built any bridges so I'm not sure if they just don't work because of the update or because I made them wrong lol
The problem is with all the signs (lifts, bridges etc.) that use the same plugin. Since we never get an error when creating, using or otherwise interact with the signs I would assume the plugin is disabled.
[door] signs are still broke ive been using stonebricks as the door material and it wont allow the door to use it
they were working yesterday. Stone was disabled Unless what you meant was that you just disabled them right now
Jamie, thank you for trying to fix them, but now there's a new bug. Lift signs can't be used when the interact flag is set to deny. It was possible before
That's because the plugin respects worldguard flags. I'll see if I can change this, if not, that's how it has to be
Gates seem to work Just not bridges or doors Bridges give you a error of Tried with Snow, Stone Brick and Dirt (all were blocks that worked with bridges before) All same error I can fill my Snow Bridges that have already been made though no problem.
I got doors to work with planks, I haven't tried anything with stone though.. (like stone bricks) Ill do a few tests tonight. Ill try snow out too. Edit: Snow brings up the error that its not usable for doors.
Seems fixed, you can now make Bridges (havent checked Doors) But old Doors and Bridges now work. Thanks again