Leafside200x200 pumpkin/melon farms.Town portal on 7th floor blue row! Town rules:1. No griefing.2. Must replant.3. Inactivity for over 5 days will lead to removal.4. All ECC rules apply.5. No trolling and/or harrasing anybody in the town. Comayor Requirements:1. Trustworthy.2. Friendly.3. Mayor+ (Preferably President)4. Must be quite active.5. Must sign contract for comayorship.6. Preferably have TP and Extcommands+ for farmers.7. Leave a reply here if you want to be a comayor. IGN:What rank?:Do you have Extcommands+ and/or Tps?: Willing to sign contract?:Contract is going to be about how you will follow rules, help out etc. People picked:Eben48Sporty05HxroJoshcarbon Comayors have finished being picked. Congrats to Eben48, Sporty05, Joshcarbon and Hxro!! Now we are looking for Workers!!
IGN:Joshy2019187 Rank:Mayor Donation feature: tp, water, multihome, (applying for extcommands soon) Willing to sign Contract: If the contract has nothing to do with enslavement, paying daily rent, and those nonsense stuff, Yes
IGN:eben48 What rank? president(soon to be tycoon) Do you have Extcommands+ and/or Tps?:excommands+ tps Willing to sign contract?:yes
IGN: sporty05 What rank?: president Do you have Extcommands+ and/or Tps?: TP Willing to sign contract?: Sure Contract is going to be about how you will follow rules, help out etc. ok
Sporty, I have created a contract for your comayorship. Here is the link: http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/comayorship-contract.56851/ Please tell me here / PM me in-game / Mail me in-game after you have agreed to all conditions of the contract.
IGN: HxroTV What rank?: Resident Do you have Extcommands+ and/or Tps?: No, Will Be Getting Soon Willing to sign contract?: Yes