Minecraft Username: Lexi731rocs Brief Description: When I ride my horse through a town that has an "interact-deny" flag and then attempt to hop off my horse, it does not let me but then makes it so I lag out. Afterwards, I am force-kicked off my horse in which the horse then gets stuck in the town. Instructions: 1. Mount a horse 2. Ride that horse into a town that has an "interact-deny" flag 3. Attempt to dismount the horse 4. Continue riding the horse (in which you will lag out) 5. Rejoin the server 6. Attempt to remount horse How many times did you recreate this?: 3 times Result: Lag out; afterwards, I am unable to remount my horse as it is in an "interact-deny" town Expected Result: Not to lag out, in which I would still be able to be mounted on my horse. Additionally, I expect to recieve a message stating not to dismount as I will not be able to get back on after I attempt to in a town with an "interact-deny" flag. Evidence: I am unable to provide evidence as I lag out
The mechanics of those flags is probably what is causing your issues, however, I will leave it to those much wiser (probably not older though) than me. I know it would be a pain but if you need passage thru any of my towns or access after the fact please let me know and I will gladly add you (even if temporarily) to any town if it would help.
The only way this could be fixed would be to allow users to ride animals in towns with interact: deny, which for some players, is the sole reason they have the flag. It’d be slightly unfair if they lost their flags purpose. Also, i don’t actually think WG would allow this to be an easy fix. Too much hassle for the benefit it will cause. Just avoid towns when you’re riding horses.
I understand that once dismounted in a town with an interact-deny flag, I will not be able to get back on. The problem I am having is that instead of recieving a message stating that I should not dismount as I would not be able to get back on, I lag out which forces me off the horse.
I assume that when creating the interact deny flag, it was never brought up what would happen if you rode a horse and dismounted it. It’s probably a glitch they never realized or was never reported, but thanks for reporting it. I won’t be riding a horse in an interact deny town, thanks for the tip Lexi. At this moment, try to contact the owner of the town to get your horse back. I’ll try to recreate the glitch myself, will get back to you once I do (or do not)
I was luckily able to retrieve my horse. Thank you! Once you are online, you are welcome to recreate it using my horses in my town so that we will not lose the horse
Update: Lambie just attempted to recreate the bug and we can both confirm that it is not only me. Also, she thought that it may be because I have /fly on but we were able to recreate it without /fly so we do not believe that /fly is the cause of the problem.
Seems like it's a client specific issue. I cannot replicate it, nor can we do anything with the problem
I can think of 3 things: 1. You and Lambie might use a different OS (Windows, Mac, Linux) to Jamie 2. Ping difference 3. Not likely but because Jamie is an admin, he overrides the interact deny?