Kennys 2020 Vision

Discussion in 'Your ECC Goals!' started by kenny0011, Dec 31, 2019.

  1. kenny0011

    kenny0011 Resident
    Resident ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ III ⭐

    Aug 12, 2019
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    So its that time of the year where people apparently sit round and make resultions for the next year. Unlike other goal threads that can amount to "do everything", I kind of wanted to do something different, and focus on a few small projects I want to do over the course of the year. And where better that to post about it here!! (I also wanted to make one last 2020 vision joke)

    Project AQUA
    Continue and finally finish Aqua City.
    - Finish warp tower and accompynying basement area
    - Build Free Street North, allowing for new players to eventually migrate to the main core
    - Set up Aqua market, with some small shops avaliable to rent/purchase
    - Encourage people to Aqua with building competition, with ECD/Item prizes

    Project KWS
    Continue and build own private town (Kennysworld).
    - Clear and level Kennysworld
    - Construction of canal to link two lakes together, as main "backbone" of build
    - Construction of central park / warp location
    - Construction of advanced storage facility / vault for item hoarding
    - Construction of retail district for shops
    - Big statue of me, cause why not
    - Construction of Kennys Block Museum

    Project SKYE
    I want to form a 3rd town, focused primarily on builder plots with a strong theme/USP. The general idea is floating islands.
    - Scout out location for town
    - Build town infrastructure

    Project STN5
    I want to expand the Station5 brand of shops. with multiple shops focused on various things. I plan to then use /warp station5 as a weekly rotation of these shops, "spotlighting" as many areas as possible.
    - Convert Aqua Surplus Store to Station5 Underwater Coral shop
    - Create and maintain a dye/colour shop
    - Create and maintain a bulk shop
    - Expand station5 stock into more item variety at various locations

    Project ALLIANCE

    Very much WIP idea that may be scrapped later down the line. Some kind of network / hub connecting towns together, in the effort to support towns on ECC

    Project STAR
    This is miscellaneous other things that I want to get for my own benefit, including star tools, features and ranks.
    - Obtain melon sword
    - Obtain eff 7 pick
    - Obtain star rod
    - Obtain tycoon/ecoleader
    - Obtain various ingame feats with ECD to get VIP, including extcreations, spawner keys and other important feats.

    So that about sums up my plans for 2020. I would like to think of this as a dynamic list, meaning that I may change and add things to it as nessecary, however has some very achieveable plans. I hope everyone has a mega 2020!

    • Winner Winner x 2
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Creative Creative x 1
    • List
  2. OtterInAOnesie

    OtterInAOnesie Owner of Otter Farms
    President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 4, 2013
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    Hope you get a lot done in the coming year Kenny!
  3. TheMansheep

    TheMansheep Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jun 11, 2013
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