Hi, I am the mayor of KalvbVille (As i am Kalvb123) and we are a brand new town that is still developing, we need new residents to boost our productivity, and budget so we can afford a portal to our new town. If you are interested please cope the questions below and answer them and we will get back to you soon: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IGN: IN-GAME RANKS (Includes Donation Features): WHEN DID YOU JOIN ECC: HAVE YOU EVER HAD A BAN: WHAT SIZE PLOT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR: DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF TO BE A GOOD BUILDER: HOW LONG/WHEN CAN YOU BE ONLINE: WILL YOU WANT TO JOIN THE KALVBVILLE COUNCIL: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One more thing to add as you may have been wondering, we will have a council with elections of thing to happen/build or decide on new members of the town/council. we will run many town related things. Me and my fellow Co-Mayors want to create a friendly community, with lots of residents frequently online; we will enforce kicks to the town for inactivity. Once again i hope you can take the time to fill out the form above, and hope to see you soon... KALVB123 (Mayor Of Kalvbville) SANELEGEND, DANEKRIS (Co-Mayors Of KalvbVille)
All ECC Players That Apply Now Get Some Added Town Bonuses, E.g. Unlimited Water/Fire/Lava Placements. Hope You Will Apply Soon, While Plots Are Still Cheap: 10x10 = $900 7x7 = $750 5x5 = $350 Other Sizes, Please Enquire... KALVB123