I've been a little In-Active on the server latly due to working on this Weird Huge, President, Athens Thing. I spent about 1-2 Hours on it so far, (It May not be good) But i just wanted to show you what i got done in 1 Hour So Far. Picture: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=wqx34h&s=7 I Mainly Posted this on the forum becuase i need some idea for it. I finnished the Building and 2 Pillers. Now all i want to do is make it have more... Class? Or Maybe, Eye Catching features? So if you have a idea post below . I would really appreciate if you could give me ideas! -Mack, Thanks for your time.
I feel like there should be something over the left and right walls of the main structure IMO.. like a huge tapestry or something