ITALIA Welcome to the town of Italia's thread here I will post all information relating to Italia. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Plot Prices 10*10= 1k20*20=4k30*30=8k ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All plots come with free usage of the water donation feature by me and also free Ext-creations, This includes things such as lift signs, disposal signs, gates, doors and colored signs. you also get free tp's to within the town Members of the will also start getting a reduced rate of access to Nelson my own custom 200*200 pumpkin farm with other things to be added including melons,sugarcane and trees.
As a town member of Italia, I have some suggestion for future town development: 1.Town Hall 2.Message Board 3.Town member meeting 4.Apartment for builders 5.Bigger Town shop
We have a town hall where the rules are although I am looking at rebuilding it, and the other things are being looked at In single player to see what they will look like and what the approximate cost will be. The town shop will most likely be placed above the town hall on a second floor
Hello andrewkm i had a question about 2 towns that i used to own and they got taken awway from me by co-owners. Ok so 1 town i paid a resident to get mayor and give me owner perms to town which he did and i have a contract cofirming it. the town was italia and I was wondering if i could get it back since he has been inactive and i believe banned. I realy need that town back is there any way i can get it back. Here is a link of proof of the contract Than the town i got when i applyed for mayor also got taken from my co-owner. D4nte_3 he has been inactive for over 1 month he also added more owners to that town. Can i please get owner ship back to my town Culver city. That was my mayor town here is proof Thanks for your time please let me know if you can give me perms cause i really need and want my town of italia back im trying to contact the new owner since the co-owner sold it and see if he will give it to me but i doubt he will thanks for time
this town is legally mine i am filling reports and trying to reclaim it ive contacted staff about this my co-owner sold it which isnt fair since im origanal owner
Do you have any screen shots that pertain to the contract? plus you were never the original owner of Italia and as for the other towns they are nothing to do with me
You will not be getting your first town back, even though you paid for the resident to get mayor, the resident is still the owner because he did the town app, your second town though, you can get back because you filled out the application. You should pm andrewkm or Skylexia about the second asking to be put back into the region, if you think im wrong or disagree feel free to reply or pm me ingame or on the forums!
Doesn't matter, ive done the same thing a couple weeks ago, If the Application maker is afk I would not be able to make a Spawn-Town portal, I would have to wait for the App maker to get back on so he can apply.