Minecraft Username: stormwalker22 Description: When I use /isr in skyblock, it gives me the following message: However, I last did /isr when I was either level 15 or 16, and I am now level 33. So I shouldn't be getting this message. I mentioned it in chat and it seems I am not the only one having this issue. I am assuming this is a bug of some sorts. When I previously used the command at lvl 15/16, I didn't have a forum account at the time so idk if that possibly has something to do with why this issue is occurring. Result: The command gave me the message shown above and no money was added to the bank.
I have had a similar issue as seen in the photos, I am currently working my way up 10 levels just to try it again to see if there is an issue.
There's no bug with the calculations, as it's based on your previously recorded level, subtracted from your current level. If the difference is not at least 10, it shows that message. Make sure you run /is level to confirm your level before. The one in chat is not the most up to date.
I did confirm that my island level is 33 using /is level and I know that the previous time I used the /isr command I was either level 15 or 16. I tried it again just now and it is still giving me the message.
So I just got another 15 levels and it worked this time. I have a theory of what may have caused the issue the first time. I used /isr between gaining 10 levels, and that may have reset the counter, making it so that I had to get another 10 levels from that new point, instead of the original. This time I didn't use /isr between the levels I gained and it worked.
@JamieSinn, please explain how the command works exactly, as well, @pokeball92870 please note any changed and update wiki. I do not fully remember the exact ins/outs of the command as I'm extremely busy with many other things.
The behaviour outlined on the wiki is correct. https://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/wiki/the-beginners-guide-to-skyblock/#island-rewards
The wiki link explained it all. I wasn't aware that the 10 levels had to be earned within an hour. It may be worth adding this information in-game alongside the rest of the /isr information in the tutorial section, because when I was in chat explaining this to other people that were having this issue, it seemed many people didn't know about it. Thanks!
@stormwalker22 I've added the following to our tutorial: Much easier to have a quick link (https://tinyurl.com/eccisr) than for me to try and explain the entire process in tutorial . Hopefully this should clear up some user's confusion.