Denied Hopper Farms/Factions(10%)/More

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by FamilyFurst, Jan 3, 2018.

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  1. FamilyFurst

    FamilyFurst Ecc King of Koopa's
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    Jul 1, 2014
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    Bring back hoppers.
    I will have a tl;dr at the end.
    I have been visiting other servers lately, trying to dive into what makes them successful as far as player base, economy, and fun. Let's look at wealth on Ecc. Let's say I had 1 billion Ecd....what does that mean? I could buy a lot of towns, tons of star tools, and well, that is about it. Now let's say we incorporated factions, in just the sense we could create a faction (Aka a town(s)) and have a faction name (Acronym somewhere in our global name), and at the end of each "marked period of time", a small reward, or maybe a one of a kind cosmetic prize was given out to the faction(s) with the highest total wealth? (Must be in faction for 7 days or more for wealth to count, and giving money to boost a faction could be made illegal in all senses, like trading, then trading back after, etc) This would take more work on figuring out how the rules would go, the contests, etc rather than the code.

    Hoppers would apply to above, or alone. I understand Ecc doesn't like money to be made without interaction. Aka: Fishing Bot is banned, Automation in general basically. I can understand that, and I agree with it. But, if we brought back hoppers, but coded it to only accept "x" items to drop through to chests, and those items would have a minimal return overall. This could boost the player base back into a slight boom because it would overall be worth spending the time to build massive farms, mob grinders, etc even for just a spoon full because you put in the work, now you reap the rewards. Even if at max, it is 1-3k an hour? Maybe more, but I feel right now, we can build all the farms we want, spend days, but it just doesn't pan out when you consider you could be mining with an eff7, tree farming with a eff10, or star rod fishing.

    tl;dr Add faction (clan/guild) system, just a system for players to band together and be seen. Use that factions wealth to deem a winner each "x" period. Add hoppers back, but limit the items that can fall through, until Devs feel like it is a comfortable rate of income for them. Understably "Automation" is disliked, illegal, etc, these two items require only slight modifications to the code, and could increase the pbase.
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    On another note, reach out and touch the rainbow, not my momma.
    Link to this plugin/Is this a custom addition?:
    A link to the plug-in you are suggesting, if applicable
  2. OppyStoppy

    OppyStoppy Pain
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    Mar 16, 2015
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    Hoppers were banned because of dupe glitches, as to my knowledge never coming back. To the main server, that is.
    This is a HARDCORE economy server. No automation. With the hopefully dupe glitch, hoppers would allow you to make 50-100k/Hour, not 1-3.
  3. FamilyFurst

    FamilyFurst Ecc King of Koopa's
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 1, 2014
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    Even if hoppers cannot be put in, because the glitch cannot be patched over, this still leaves the idea of factions battling over wealth, to win something ever period. Right now, there is *NO* competition other than events. Adding a simple faction system that accumulates wealth, and forces players to work together, be more active, etc, would increase our player base slowly, but surely. Right now, it is just, make money, and socialize.

    Vmr was a good start towards competition, but is completely devoid of having anything to do with the economy. Create something that makes economy competitive, but also require teamwork, etc.
  4. FamilyFurst

    FamilyFurst Ecc King of Koopa's
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 1, 2014
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    Just to add, it requires almost no energy to find a flaw in an idea, while it takes tons more to build off an idea to make it better. Guess I need to get on here, and just spam all the easy negatives of idea's to blast them down. That is quite elementary to do :p
  5. Conorx

    Conorx Its well and truly Big Boy Season
    EcoLeader ⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Dec 17, 2012
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    I see a few issues with this.

    Hoppers cause an unholy amount of lag when there’s a lot of them, to the point where most skyblock servers modify the item transfer rate. It helps but it’s not perfect.

    People don’t want competition. This server is quite laid back, everyone chills and does what they want. The events are a nice touch as it allows users to get involved with people they’ve never met on the server before, etc. But factions would create hostility and break friendships and whatnot. I don’t think any sort of factions idea has a place on main server.
  6. JamieSinn

    JamieSinn Retired Lead Administrator/Developer
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    Jun 4, 2011
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    Hoppers are a no way because of dupes.
    Factions is straight up cancer. It's not remotely something we ever will add.
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