Hey. I couldn't find a specific forum for this so I'm just putting it here. Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm new (obviously). Stumbled upon the website accidentally while looking for mcMMO guides. Little about me... I have no life and read a lot. I'm an Operations Manager at a media management company. That's pretty much all there is to know. Few questions: What are Eco-Dollars, how do you obtain them? Is the server P2W? What do you recommend to get started?
Hello, @Axolotls welcome welcome to Eco City Craft! This thread could also go in general but off topic is fine to. ECD are the currency here and you can sell things with /sell hand or to other players for them (An example is 1 iron ingot for 7.50 ECD). This server is not pay to win but you can buy “features” like pyro plus that prevent fire damage. I would recommend doing /kit starter and go to the tutorial before making any money then do /wild and mine. If you see me around I can help you out. Here are some other useful links and good luck! https://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/general-tools-guide.172081/page-2#post-967219 https://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/how-to-make-money.159245/ https://www.ecocitycraft.com/wiki/index.php?title=Features
The is wrong, this server is 100% pay2win, you can’t use/place anvils without buying a donation feature, you can’t place fire without a donation feature, nor can you place water more then every 60 seconds without a donation feature. You can literally buy currency from the shop. This server is pay2win.
In over five years of being on this server, I have spent less than 5k ECD on feature services from other players. You can get shit done without shelling out money yourself, you just have to ask and people will help you out. This level of pessimism isn't going to help get new players on the server Drew. You can pay other players ECD for them to buy donation features for you. The exchange rate fluctuates a little but it's usually around 5k 15k ECD per $1 USD, so a $20 feature will run you 300k in game.
Prices haven't been 5k/usd since 2014 and even then that was lowballing. The correct price per usd is $10k+/usd and people don't really sell anymore.
Pay 2 win You are literally paying money to win, I don't see what isn't understood about that. You are paying real money, for ingame money which you use to rankup. Someone with $500 can get to where someone who has been playing on the server for 2 years in under an hour, its literally paying to win Also; Do you want me to lie to the new players? It's the blatant truth
You can pay real money for in game money. But you don't because you can make in-game money easy without paying from your own pocket. If you actually pay for fake currency then you have other issues that should probably be addressed first. But if you want to be a jerk and ruin people's experiences on what is meant to be a fun server, then be my guest. @Axolotls sorry, apparently I'm wrong and this server just sucks. Everyone here is an asshole and the owner is trying to steal all your money, so you should probably just leave. Take it from Drew, since he clearly knows what's best for you.
You're 100% right, you can make in-game money without paying from your own pocket, but why should you when the next person can pay $500 to get to where you are after countless hours and days of hard work? I also never included the phrase "Pay 2 play" which, like I stated above; You need to pay to use these basic minecraft features
Thanks. To everyone else, however, I'd appreciate it if we don't have a debate about the subject here.
Why should you care so much about how other people make in game money? If you want to drop $500 on fake money then go ahead, that does not affect my playing experience in any way. And like I stated above, you don't have to pay to get these features You just have to ask
Yeah because I said all that Anyways; It really depends on how you look at your goal for ECC, most peoples goal is to have the most money and rank up, how do you achieve that? Buying currency, it doesn't change the fact that you need to pay money to use basic minecraft features I'm done aruging in respect of op
Look, it's obvious this is getting nowhere with you and I'm tired of arguing petty nonsense here. If you want to keep it up, shoot me a forum pm or hit me in game. @Axolotls sorry we've turned your introductory thread into a cesspool of toxicity. I truly do hope you stick around and enjoy yourself on ECC. I guarantee you'll find a far more welcoming community in game than Drew and I.
Here, I’ll try to get on and show you the ropes. (I was gone an hour guys, come on.) Yes it sucks you have to pay for a few things, but it’s the community that is really special here. We hope you are here to stay, ECC needs more members like you!